Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2033 The extremely shameless President Chu

Qianqian Novel Network

Gong Jue was very unhappy.

Who is crowing in the middle of the night? ? ?

Just as he was about to ignore it and continue to kiss Gu Qiqi's buns, the doorbell downstairs screamed again.

Every sound was quite persistent.

Gong Jue wrapped up his nightgown unhappily and said, "I'll go down and take a look. You wait until I come back."

He stretched out his long legs and went downstairs at a fighting speed, ready to get rid of the troublemaker.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Chu Junmo leaning drunkenly at the door of his house!

Gong Jue frowned, thinking that Chu Junmo must have regretted coming to him for a serious discussion.

He proudly raised his chin and scolded Chu Junmo: "Chu Daiyu, your conscience has finally discovered it now, right? You know you're sorry for me, and you know you'll be struck by lightning if you conceal the truth, right? Why, do you want to tell me now? I, it’s wrong for you to be a coward. You should have gone to court to testify for me a long time ago, right? But why don’t you choose a time to regret it? I’m doing something important in the middle of the night, why are you messing around here! Go back quickly ! As long as I know the sincerity, we will discuss the details of how to appear in court tomorrow..."

He scolded me happily.

Just getting ready to close.

Suddenly, Chu Junmo behind him suddenly burped, and then murmured vaguely: "Qiqi... I'm here to find Qiqi... Let me in!"

Gong Jue stumbled and almost got his hand caught in the door!

Chu Daiyu is not here to confess or testify. What the hell is she here to steal a woman from him?

Chu Daiyu, I really misjudged you!

You extremely shameless person...

He was about to slap Chu Junmo with his backhand and slap this bastard ten feet away.

Suddenly, Gu Qiqi's clear voice came from the courtyard: "Jue, stop!"

The corner of Gong Jue's lips twitched a few times, and he retracted his hand in a sullen voice: "He is drunk, I just want him to sober up."

Gu Qiqi approached him wrapped in a windbreaker and glared at him angrily: "Why don't you just turn on the garden faucet and fill him with cold water to wake him up?"

Gong Jue slapped his head and said, "Why didn't I think of such a brilliant idea?"

After saying that, he actually went back to find the faucet on the garden lawn!

Gu Qiqi glanced at him speechlessly, then stepped forward to support Chu Junmo: "Brother Chu, why did you drink so much? Your heart is not suitable for alcoholism, you...well, there is no one around you to take care of you. did you get here? Where is your secretary?"

Little did he know that Chu Junmo had already driven Secretary Jiao away, and he pressed the doorbell alone for a long time.

Gong Jue came back with the water tap.

"Stop making trouble! Leave it alone! Come on, help me carry Brother Chu in. It's cold outside, and it will be troublesome if you catch a cold and get sick." Gu Qiqi ordered.

Gong Jue secretly curled his lips and threw away the faucet.

Reluctantly, he picked up Chu Junmo and walked to the living room, muttering: "You are still drunk for such an adult? I think someone is deliberately pretending to be crazy with alcohol, for some ulterior purpose!"

Gu Qiqi tugged her lips speechlessly: "What purpose can it have? I can't even say anything, and if I have a purpose, I can't achieve it!"

Indeed, Chu Junmo is now in a state of unconsciousness, and his condition is very bad. He can only clearly hear him calling Gu Qiqi's name, but his eyes are distracted. Even when Gu Qiqi is standing in front of him, he can't help but no response.

Gong Jue couldn't stand up to Gu Qiqi, and angrily threw Chu Junmo on the sofa and said - a real lady is online to help you find books and chat with you, please WeChat/search/search for popular online articles or rdww444 is waiting for you to tease~

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