Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2037 The Affectionate Man [Must Read]

Qianqian Novel Network

Time seemed to flash back to four years ago, the summer after Gu Qiqi's college entrance examination.

A touch of gentleness slowly appeared on Chu Junmo's face.

Wasn't that the most gentle and pleasant first meeting in his life? Even though he was unconscious on the hospital bed, he could feel a cold and sharp little hand digging into his heart.

Did she really put his heart in its place at that time?

Why did he think she just stole it?

From now on, his heart has been stored with her, can't he get it back?

Chu Junmo's throat was extremely interfering, and he said hoarsely: "I remember, Qiqi."

If Qiqi could say that she almost fell in love with him.

He has no regrets in this life.


Gu Qiqi was completely unaware of his expectations and thoughts, and just smiled and continued: "Brother Chu, if I hadn't been bent on revenge and wanted to find a big shot to help me change my college entrance examination application as soon as possible, I would never take the opportunity to blackmail you for payment. Well, now that I think back to that time, I was really such a bastard and a deceitful person. So, if I meet you in the next life, I will help you do that car accident surgery without any compensation! Absolutely not!"

Chu Junmo didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

It turns out that Qiqi never forgets that first meeting four years ago, and she just blackmailed him out of guilt.

Her memory and his memory did not overlap at all.

Chu Junmo fell into silence.

Gu Qiqi pursed her lips, unable to guess what he was thinking.

Since nothing happened to Mrs. Chu, why would Brother Chu want to come and chat with her?

Got it!

She suddenly thought of the question Chu Junmo asked her when she visited for the first time yesterday morning: Can a person live at the expense of other people's lives in exchange for his own survival.

Hmm, is Brother Chu still struggling with this philosophical issue and needs someone to discuss it clearly?

She smiled slightly and said: "By the way, Brother Chu, I thought about your question yesterday carefully, and my previous answer was too hasty. Suppose, as you said, Gong Jue's life can only be saved with the blood of innocent strangers. , I think I won’t do it in the end. It’s not my holy heart, but I know that Gong Jue is too upright, and his conscience will be uneasy. He never wants to owe others, let alone harm others? What if he knew An innocent life was exchanged for him to survive. He will not live a secure life and regret for the rest of his life. And I don't want him to live in such a bad mood for the rest of his life."

Gong Jue could not let go of the fact that a she-wolf who had nursed him and a cook who had given him food died because of him for many years.

Underneath his simple and rough appearance, he has a super delicate heart and is a man full of affection. This is something Gu Qiqi has known for a long time!

It’s just that the world doesn’t know.

Chu Junmo didn't even know.

After a while.

Gong Jue washed the dishes, tidied the kitchen, cut fruit for Gu Qiqi, and even made a cup of freshly ground coffee - anyway, that guy Chu Junmo had a bad stomach after being hungover, so he could only be greedy!

What's more, he also prepared a cup of warm water with added ingredients for Chu Junmo... He added a lot of vinegar, which made the old fox sour to death, hahaha.

However, as soon as he came out, he was startled: "Where is Chu Daiyu? Is she gone?"

Damn it, I've dug a hole, why the hell didn't you jump and get out?


Chu Junmo and the Palace Master of Medicine Palace stood opposite each other on the rooftop of the highest floor of the Empire State Building.

"Have you made a decision? Have you brought the Heart-Building Grass?" The Palace Master of the Medicine Palace went straight to the point.

Chu Junmo was silent for a long time, then uttered a few words: "I'm sorry, I don't want the flame blood anymore."

The Palace Master of the Medicine Palace was quite surprised, and his eyes turned cold: "Chu Junmo, you should know that without the flame blood, you won't live much longer! You have already run out of energy and fuel! You can count your death dates on one hand! "

The death date of a hand is only 5 days.

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