Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2038 Qiqi’s last words

Qianqian Novel Network

Chu Junmo's heart froze!

Five days, does he only have five days left in his life...

In fact, he knew very well that his physical condition was deteriorating these days. He looked as usual on the outside, but he really couldn't hold on anymore on the inside.

I often cough up blood for no apparent reason late at night. My heart has reached its load limit and is beginning to affect my lungs and other organs...

Without the flame blood, his life would have come to an end!

Thick eyelashes cast a shadow, and Chu Junmo said to the Palace Master of Medicine Palace: "I know. I'm already prepared. Death is nothing new to me."

He really couldn't help but laugh sarcastically.

There is really no one who has richer experience of death than him.

At the last moment, the soul is torn and burned, the pain and emptiness of being separated from the body, the despair of gradually losing everything...

Then comes reincarnation.

What's even worse is that during reincarnation, the entire process of searching for flame blood in the previous life will be forgotten... and everything will have to be repeated boringly.

The tone of the Medicine Palace Master's tone became colder: "You don't want to live anymore? In order to save a little blood of that woman Gu Qiqi, you risk your own life? Have you thought clearly?"

Chu Junmo's eyes were deep and he smiled miserably: "I've thought about it clearly."

In fact, when he woke up from a hangover, he had not yet made up his mind.

But after breakfast, Gong Jue went to the kitchen to wash the dishes, and Qiqi patiently chatted with him at the dining table. When talking about her unwillingness to trade her life for her life, he remembered asking Qiqi: "But you won't sacrifice other people's lives." Gong Jue is about to die, what should you do? Do you want to watch him die?"

He thought this question would stump Gu Qiqi.

Unexpectedly, Gu Qiqi answered without hesitation and quite easily: "No. I will die with him so that he will not be alone."

With the total death!

Chu Junmo was completely shocked.

He remembered that three years ago, if Qi Qi had not believed that Gong Jue was still alive, Qi Qi might have jumped off the building with Gong Jue that day!

Qiqi would not do such dirty things as sacrificing other people's lives, but she was willing to accompany Gong Jue through life and death.

Why is Gong Jue so lucky?

He took a deep breath: "If your companion Gong Jue dies, what will happen to Niannian? What will happen to Gong Ting?"

This is another absolutely unanswerable dilemma!

However, Gu Qiqi still smiled easily: "I have figured it out. No matter what incredible changes happen in the future, I will accompany Gong Jue through it. Niannian and Gong Ting have their own lives, and Gong Jue will only have me for the rest of his life." . In family relationships, the relationship between husband and wife should be ranked above the relationship between parent and child. Without husband and wife, where would the parents and children come from? So your decision is simply not valid. I must choose my own husband. "

The shock in Chu Junmo's heart was beyond words.

With a trembling voice, he tried to refute her: "But you are not a couple..."

"Who says we are not husband and wife?" Gu Qiqi lovingly glanced at the man busy in the kitchen tenderly, "Although I have never admitted it, in my heart, I have long recognized him as my husband."

Chu Junmo suffered a third critical blow in his heart! ! !

Qiqi's love for Gong Jue was so deep.

Gu Qiqi's clear and beautiful voice kept echoing in his ears: "Brother Chu, if the lawsuit fails this time and Gong Jue is sentenced to death, if something happens to Gong Jue and I, we will never come back... Nian Nian is taken care of by the Beigong family, and Gong Ting is taken care of by Uncle Gong and Aunt Gong. You don’t have to worry about them, but please help me take care of Xiao Lan and Qiu Zhu, at least give them some guidance before they get married and start a business... My sister’s online service will help you find books to chat with you. Please use WeChat/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you~

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