Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2044 His last gift

Qianqian Novel Network

A few minutes later, Chu's Pharmaceutical's detailed transaction list was sent.

Adjutant Lu asked nonchalantly: "Chief, are you going to continue to help President Chu clear the relationship and get his goods through customs..."

Gong Jue's voice was as cold as ice: "Unblock the relationship and stop them all! Let Chu Pharmaceutical's business come to a complete halt!"

Lieutenant Lu was on the other end of the phone, looking confused.

Sir, that's not what you said this morning. Can you tell me whether President Chu is an enemy or a friend... This attitude has changed too quickly!

The old house of the Chu family.

Chu Junmo received a report from Secretary Jiao that Chu's medicines and goods had all been intercepted at customs for unknown reasons.

He read all the reports with a calm face, without saying anything. With an unusually calm expression, he waved away Secretary Jiao: "I understand."

Secretary Jiao was also confused. It was obviously Gong Jue who did this. Didn't the CEO fight back?

As everyone knows, Chu Junmo has no intention of fighting against Gong Jue now.

He explained the work matters in a hurry.

After collecting all the Heart-Building Grasses and sending them to the Palace Master's residence, he immediately walked to the Imperial Military Medical University with two ancient prescription books and some precious medicinal materials.

He sat in Feng Yangchu's office for half an hour, left two ancient books on medicinal prescriptions, and then came out.

On the way home, I also passed by the Affiliated Hospital of the Imperial Military Medical University and visited Mr. Gu who was hospitalized.

The old man's condition is relatively stable. Although his body is weak, he is showing signs of waking up.

Chu Junmo waited at his bedside for a while, talked to the sleeping old man for a while, left some precious medicinal materials, and then quietly exited the ward.

After returning to the Chu family's mansion, he immediately fired all the servants and bodyguards, but the severance package was very generous. The money awarded to everyone was enough to keep them food and clothing for the rest of their lives.

Everyone looked at each other, feeling touched, but they didn't know why the president wanted so much.

Everyone expressed their loyalty and were willing to serve the CEO until retirement.

However, Chu Junmo just said lightly: "I will leave the empire and immigrate abroad. Let's meet again when we are destined."

Everyone left reluctantly.

As night fell, Chu's house suddenly became clear and cold, with only a little remaining light coming from Chu Junmo's study.

Chu Junmo was in front of the desk, spreading out the white rice paper, with pen and ink ready. He picked up the pen and wanted to leave something to Gu Qiqi.

But in the end, not a word fell.

What more can be said?

After so many reincarnations, this is probably the one he is closest to Qiqi in, right? It's a pity that in the end, heaven and man are separated forever.

He sighed, shook his long finger, and accidentally left a drop of ink on the rice paper.

Putting down the pen and paper, he stood up, coughing and walked to the bookshelf.

There are precious antiques, calligraphy and paintings that he has collected for several lifetimes.

He picked out the most precious mini siege ladder. It is said that this ladder was made by Lu Ban himself and carved from immortal agarwood. It has been passed down to this day.

This antique looks very low-key, like a toy played by a child, but only a truly elite antique collector knows that this ladder is actually priceless!

He rummaged around in the bedroom again and found a ten-carat pink diamond that had been carefully polished back then and was originally intended to be given to Qiqi.

However, there was never a chance to send it out.

Chu Junmo found a rose pink toy box, put the antique mini ladder in it, and then put the ten carat pink diamond in it, and wrapped the toy box with a dark rose pink ribbon. Do you need to find the latest chapters by yourself when reading a book? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or the suduwx beauty editor will help you find books! You really can do both reading and flirting with girls!

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