Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2045: The final verdict on Gong Jue’s case! 【Must see】

Chapter 2047 The final verdict on Gong Jue’s case!

Chu Junmo went out in person and went to the company to tell Secretary Jiao: "In five days, send this 'toy' to the Beigong royal family, and be sure to hand it over to Beigong Niannian."

"I'm sorry, Nian Nian, Mo Mo Bibi can't make it in time for your birthday this year. I'll give you your birthday gift in advance." He apologized silently in his heart.

He returned home without saying a word, lifted up his gown, and lay on his side on the couch.

My eyes were closed tightly, I was coughing violently, and I couldn't sleep all night...

Five days later.

Gong Jue's case has reached its third court session!

Imperial law stipulates that the same case cannot be heard more than three times.

This case has been adjourned and delayed many times due to various reasons. After being delayed for so long, this is finally the last chance.

The melon-eaters, who had been anxious about the progress of the case for a long time, were also in the most tense moment!

This is the last chance. Whether Sir Alex can turn defeat into victory, regain his innocence or be infamy for eternity, it depends on this time!

The network traffic of the entire live broadcast suddenly reached the highest peak in history.

The last traffic peak was the night when Gong Sheng was elected President of the Empire and announced his victory!

This Gong family is really talented. The two brothers are leading the way in different fields and with different attitudes.

However, this time the court session was much less intense and exciting than the previous two times.

First of all, Wu Chi is no longer here.

Then Xiahou Susu, the witness who needed to use such a cool tool as the polygraph, is no longer here.

The prosecution no longer embarrasses Gong Jue and Gu Qiqi. Similarly, Gong Jue and Gu Qiqi have no more new explosion evidence to provide.

In addition to accusing Wu Chi of treason, Gu Qiqi showed the spectacular scene of Wu Chi hoarding a large number of daily necessities in more than a dozen containers in the suburban warehouse, waiting to make a fortune for the country, which made the entire Internet audience eat a whale. Apart from that, there is nothing more unexpected.

Wu Chi's crime must be punished.

The three Wu brothers will all be nailed to the pillar of shame, even if two of them are already dead.

But there is also no way to clear Gong Jue's charges...

Gu Qiqi, Wu Er and others have tried their best. Looking at the results now, although their hearts are filled with unwillingness, they have no choice but to accept it.

Gong Jue took Gu Qiqi's hand, their eyes met and their hands held each other tightly.

In fact, they had already expected this outcome and were mentally prepared, but when the moment actually came, they were still a little sad.

All the efforts were wasted...

Just when the judge's gavel was about to fall, announcing that Gong Jue's treason conviction would be upheld, the death penalty would be executed immediately, and he would not accept the suspended sentence...

Suddenly, the clerk rushed in at a trot, ran to the Honorable Judge with a huff, and whispered for a while.

Your Honor’s gavel has yet to fall.

The warden and guards of the Imperial Prison were the most anxious. As the surviving prosecution, they most wanted to see Gong Jue fail in his lawsuit and be imprisoned again.

Only in this way can we avenge our past humiliation and win back the victory.

Hum, they will definitely "greet" Gong Jue well then!

Let him taste the real taste of prison food!

However, the judge did not announce the reason for stopping for a long time, but seriously communicated with the clerk:

"Have you brought all the evidence? Is the testimony signed by me? Well... sure! If he can't come, what about Feng Yangchu who vouched for him? What? Can he be cross-examined at any time? Okay. Is there anything else? ? What? Live broadcast? Bring it to me to see..."

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