Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2047 The Death of Chu Junmo [Must Read]

Qianqian Novel Network

This unexpected shock brought huge harm to Gu Qiqi's heart!

She has always respected and trusted Chu Junmo.

Because she will never forget that when she came back from rebirth in this life, it was Chu Junmo who was the first to lend a helping hand to her, helping her change her college entrance examination aspirations and starting her journey to the top of medicine!

Although, this help was "blackmailed" by her performing heart surgery on him.

But there was not a day when she was not grateful for this help. It could be said that from then on, she had always subconsciously regarded Chu Junmo as one of her own. No matter how outsiders talked about Chu Junmo being ruthless and an old fox in the shopping mall, no matter how much Gong Jue, Bai Lang, Wu Er and others said bad things about Chu Junmo, but she remained unmoved.

However, she never expected that Chu Junmo would hide the most critical thing from her.

I kept it secret for three whole years!

She could no longer hear the applause, cheers, and celebrations in her ears.

She staggered down the witness stand. If Gong Jue's slender arms hadn't supported her strongly, she might not have even noticed she fell.

"Buzz buzz..."

Gu Qiqi's cell phone kept vibrating.

Gong Jue helped her take it out, looked at it, and frowned: "Chu Daiyu?"

He pressed the answer button for her.

In the receiver, Chu Junmo kept coughing: "Qiqi, snow... snow... snow..."

Chu Junmo kept trying to express something, but his throat felt like it was scorched by fire, and he couldn't utter a complete sentence except coughing.

Blood? ? ?

When Gong Jue heard this, he became furious: "How long has it been since this happened? This old fox is still thinking about my woman's blood! Do you think he just came out to testify in a pretentious manner so that I owe him a favor, so he can blatantly come to ask for blood?"

Gong Jue was so angry that he turned off Gu Qiqi's phone!

Gu Qiqi pursed her lips tightly and acquiesced to his action.

This time, she locked herself in the room for a whole day and night.

It was a bigger blow to her than the last time she heard that Chu Junmo wanted to use his own flame blood to cure diseases.

In the middle, Wu Shijiu and others came to see her, but they were all blocked by Gong Jue: "I understand her. It feels uncomfortable to be betrayed. Don't disturb her. Give her some time to completely forget about that bastard!"

If he owed anything, it was because his palace lord owed it to the bastard.

His woman didn't owe him anything, so why should he hurt her heart like this?

Chu Junmo, you old fox bastard!

The next day at dusk.

Gu Qiqi finally walked out of the room.

Her eyes were slightly swollen and she had obviously cried.

When she reached the stairs, a pair of children rushed over to hug her thigh.

Xiaotuanzi and Xiaonaibao turned out to be complaining to her:

Beigong Niannian: "Mommy, he broke my toy, and he did it on purpose!"

Gong Ting: "Little sister, that toy was given by a bad person."

Beigong thought: "No! That was Momobabi's birthday gift to me in advance."

Gong Ting: "He is not your daddy, he is a bad guy with sinister intentions!"

Bei Gong thought: "He's not, wuwu... you're lying!"

Gu Qiqi glanced at the top of the stairs. She saw a top-grade pink diamond broken into several pieces, and several pieces of broken agarwood next to it... she probably knew what happened.

Taking a deep breath, she held Gong Ting's wrist: "Xiao Tuanzi, no matter whether Uncle Chu is a good guy or a bad guy, he helped your father clear his name. For this, you have to be grateful."

He turned around and said seriously to Beigong Niannian: "Didn't Mommy say you are not allowed to accept expensive gifts? Why are you accepting diamonds?! Remember, broken things cannot be reunited!"

ah? So who is right and who is wrong between them?

Bei Gong Niannian and Gong Ting seemed to understand each other, so they went to Gong Jue for comment.

Gu Qiqi put on her windbreaker and drove directly to Chu's house.

As the children said, Brother Chu was somewhere between good and evil, so she shouldn't sentence him to death easily. She decided to give him a chance to tell the truth in person!

However, when she rushed to Chu's house, she found that Chu's house was in a state of desolation.

White flag! Black cloth!

A funeral is taking place!

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