Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2048: The bleeding can’t be stopped

Qianqian Novel Network

Seeing the dazzling white flags and black cloth at the door, which were only used at funerals, Gu Qiqi's heart tightened and she quickly walked into Chu's house.

In the antique hall of Chu's house, there is a mourning platform, with the portrait of Chu Junmo placed in the middle, and a blue and white porcelain straight barrel-shaped jar placed on the table below the portrait.

The news of Chu Junmo's death has not spread yet. The hall is full of former servants of the Chu house, not even a single friend.

However, he had no children, no daughter, no father, no mother, and even no lover.

There was only one uncle, Feng Yangchu, who was not in good health as he was old and could not have the energy to take care of his posthumous affairs.

Fortunately, he had always been kind and generous to his servants during his lifetime, and his servants came back spontaneously to bury him after his death, so that no one even had to collect his bones.

Gu Qiqi was completely confused by the sudden funeral in front of her.

After a long while, she said in a trembling voice: "Is this... is Brother Chu's home? That person above... is Brother Chu?"

She would rather she saw it wrong. Maybe the man in the portrait was a descendant of another branch of the Chu family?


This fluke was soon shattered.

"In reply to Miss Qiqi, he is our president." Secretary Jiao came up to Gu Qiqi with a sad face and handed Gu Qiqi a small white six-petal flower for condolences, "President, he suffered a sudden heart hemorrhage yesterday. I couldn't stop it... I rode a crane to the west..."

"Yesterday? When!" Gu Qiqi's voice became more unsteady, and her white fingers trembled slightly. She pinned the little flower for a long time before finally pinning it under her collar.

Secretary Jiao lowered his eyes: "After the president uploaded the testimonial evidence to the Internet, when Sir Alex's case was won..."

If he hadn't been responsible for transmitting information to the president and discovered that something was wrong with the president, I'm afraid that the president would have died alone in this empty house in Nuo Da, and no one would have discovered it!

After all, the president dismissed all the servants a few days ago and no longer even cares about the company's affairs.

Gu Qiqi's heart tightened when she heard this. It turned out that when everyone was celebrating the victory, Brother Chu fell alone.

She bit her lip and asked, "Didn't you rush to the hospital for emergency treatment to stop the bleeding?"

Secretary Jiao shook his head: "I couldn't wait for the ambulance to come. He was already dead. At that time, I heard him calling and talking about blood... He fell down before he finished speaking..."

Blood? !

Gu Qiqi was hit hard in the heart.

Thinking back to the time when Chu Junmo fell...

She suddenly recalled that it was at that time that Chu Junmo called her, as if he wanted to tell her something.

But when she heard him repeating the word "blood" repeatedly, she thought he wanted to ask for her flame blood as a reward for public testimony. She was very disappointed, so she acquiesced to Gong Jue and hung up the phone.

Could it be that Brother Chu wanted to talk to her about flame blood at that time?

If he wasn't talking about flame blood, what would he say to her?

Gu Qiqi felt miserable all day and night, and was completely shattered by the sudden news of Chu Junmo's death.

This trip was supposed to make it clear to Chu Junmo and settle the grudges, but she arrived late and all she saw was his portrait!

It was really hard for her to accept it for a while!

It was even more uncomfortable than hearing the news of Chu Junmo’s betrayal a few days ago!

Did she misunderstand Brother Chu? Brother Chu didn't want her flame blood from the beginning. He simply didn't want to help Gong Jue. But after meeting and chatting with her twice in the past two days, he suddenly changed his mind and helped Gong Jue once before his death? Real girls are online services to help you find books and chat with you. Please use WeChat/Chat/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you to tease~

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