Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2052: Who did the previous generation Lord Gong marry?

Qianqian Novel Network

"Maybe if you know this, you won't blame him anymore for not coming out to testify for Gong Jue three years ago..." Feng Yangchu's voice was low and sad.

Gu Qiqi shook her head gently: "Master, I don't blame him now. His willingness to come forward to testify is out of love, and it is his right not to come out. It is because we were too harsh on him before."

Because he regards him as one of his own, he is more demanding on him, requires him to be morally perfect, and requires him to spare no effort in dedicating his strength.

They ignored that he was also a person with his own emotions and thoughts, and was even a severe heart patient who could die at any time.

How many people in this world can withstand the demanding demands of perfection?

Feng Yangchu patted Gu Qiqi's shoulder kindly: "Qiqi, you are always so considerate and see things clearly. In fact, I also admit that Jun Mo was in a mood for a while, and towards Gong Jue. The matter was selfish and not fair enough. Fortunately, he finally figured it out and made the right decision. But do you know, if he is reincarnated into the next life, he may continue to repeat this tragic fate, or even worse!"

Gu Qiqi frowned: "What? Master, can you explain it more clearly?"

Feng Yangchu: "His heart disease, if it cannot be cured in this life, then he will continue to be reborn, die, reborn, and die. Until he is cured in one life, this cruel cycle will stop."

Gu Qiqi was very worried when she heard this: "How can we completely cure Brother Chu?"

Feng Yangchu: "There is an ancient prescription that you can try. But the medicinal materials in the ancient prescription are all very precious and rare. In this life, he finally found the origin of the most important medicine - Flame Blood, but in the next life he will lose it All the memories about Flame Blood have to be searched for all over again. And without the help of Heart-Building Grass, he may not live to find the origin of Flame Blood..."

Gu Qiqi was surprised: "Heart-Building Grass? A lost herb found in ancient books?"

Feng Yangchu: "Exactly. He brought some rare plants from a certain life and carefully cultivated them. But when I went to Chu's house yesterday to say goodbye to his ashes, I found that the place where he planted the heart-building grass was completely deserted. All the medicinal herbs have been pulled away. In other words, in his next life, there will be no Heart-Building Grass to use."

Feng Yangchu's tone became extremely sad.

Gu Qiqi was even more surprised, and it took her a while to finally digest this fact.

Brother Chu's fate is actually so bumpy, bumpy, and bizarre!

How could someone keep repeating such a tragic fate?

Is this some sort of curse?

"Really, is there no way at all? Without the Heart-Building Grass, without enough flame blood... Will Brother Chu be completely trapped in the cycle of death and unable to survive forever?" Gu Qiqi's voice trembled.

Feng Yangchu sighed: "There is a way... but it's difficult."

Gu Qiqi: "Say it! No matter how difficult it is, I am willing to help him."

Feng Yangchu: "Look for the Gate of Time. If we can find the Gate of Time and see Jun Mo's situation in the next life, we can make arrangements for him in this life in advance and leave Yanxue's reminder in a place for him. Let him open the agreed place at that time. As for the problem of Heart-Building Grass... I haven't thought of how to solve it yet."

Gu Qiqi became excited when she heard this: "Don't worry about the Heart-building Grass, I will find a way! Master, what is the Gate of Time you are talking about?"

Feng Yangchu twirled his beard and said solemnly: "The gate of time can be used to see the past and future, past and present lives. Whether you can find it or not is determined by great luck..."

Past future? Past and Present?

For a moment, Gu Qiqi really wanted to see what happened after her death in her previous life!

What kind of life did the palace lord and the little dumpling in the previous life live?

Could it be that Gong Jue married Bai Jasmine’s white lotus?

Gu Qiqi trembled and shuddered.

"Where can I find the Gate of Time?" She couldn't wait.

For Chu Junmo, even more for her and Gong Jue!

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