Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2053 Old Fox! Digging holes even after death!

Qianqian Novel Network

Seeing Gu Qiqi so concerned and anxious about Chu Junmo's life and death, Feng Yangchu's old eyes showed a touch of relief.

Before Jun Mo died, he came to his place and chatted for half an hour.

In just half an hour, Jun Mo spent most of the time talking about Gu Qiqi!

Qi Qi's studies, Qi Qi's work, Qi Qi's career, Qi Qi's was all down to the smallest details, and I asked him to take care of them all in the future.

He could completely understand Jun Mo's reluctance and concern for Qi Qi.

He also felt sorry for Jun Mo - is it worth it to love a woman so hopelessly until death?

At this moment, seeing Gu Qiqi's sincere concern for Jun Mo, he thought that if Jun Mo had spiritual consciousness under Jiuquan, he would think it was worth it.

He took a deep breath and told everything he knew: "It is said that Nalan Xiner, the head of the Dongfang family, has a time and space magic weapon that can open the door of time. But Mrs. Dongfang and the head of the Dongfang family have been hidden in the world for many years. , it is extremely difficult to find them. However, people still say that Mrs. Dongfang visited southern Yunnan and Hanbeiling and opened the local time door. Maybe if Mrs. Dongfang cannot be found, this person can be found. The gates of time in the two places, if you find the time secret key, you will have a chance to open it..."

Gu Qiqi's heart froze when she heard this.

The Gate of Time, the Secret Key of Time, South Yunnan and Hanbei Ridge...these clues are either never heard of, or they are so vast that finding them is like looking for a needle in a sea.

If I can't save Brother Chu in this life, will it be so difficult in the next life?

Gu Qiqi walked out of Imperial Medical University with lowered eyes.

It's getting late.

The moon is bright and the stars are sparse.

She was walking aimlessly on the street, thinking about what had happened in the past few days, it was like riding a roller coaster with ups and downs and excitement, which made her heart unbearable.

Behind him, the slender and cold shadow of Gong Jue followed from a distance. Seeing her uncomfortable look, he felt so distressed that his whole face froze.

Chu Junmo, you old fox!

Let Qiqi worry about you while you are alive, but you will still be uneasy after death!

He paused and ordered Adjutant Lu to follow behind to protect Gu Qiqi. He turned around and walked into Feng Yangchu's office at Imperial Medical University!

Not long after, Gong Jue came out of Feng Yangchu's office, his expression even more solemn.

From Feng Yangchu, he learned what Qiqi was worried about.

I couldn't help but scold Chu Junmo ten thousand times in my heart: The old fox is still digging holes after he died, and he is still digging holes!

However, after scolding her, he looked at Gu Qiqi's sad figure walking down the street late at night, and he felt deeply distressed again.

Damn, I know it’s a trap, but I still have to jump, right?

Palace residence.

Gong Ting was already asleep.

Gong Qing and Song Song were sitting on the sofa, looking up at their son who suddenly broke in.

"It's so late at night, can you be a little polite? Do you think the elderly don't have a private life?" Gong Qing, who was wearing pajamas, was very unhappy and scolded Gong Jue with a straight face.

Song Song stroked his hand and said softly: "Husband, don't be so fierce with your son. My son finally went home, can't you be gentler?"

Gong Qing: "No! This damn brat has the ability to run away from home for three years and not come back, and the ability to pretend to be dead, so don't blame me for scolding him!"

Gong Qing talked for a long time before Gong Jue said lazily: "So, are you done with scolding now?"

Gong Qing: "You...!"

Gong Jue: "I've scolded you enough, is it my turn to talk? Let me ask you, do you know the Oriental lady who can open the door of time?" A real lady is available online to help you find books to chat with you. Please send us a message via WeChat /Letter/Search/Search for popular web articles or rdww444 is waiting for you~

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