Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2056: Gong Jue apologizes?

Qianqian Novel Network

Gu Qiqi's heart tightened, and she carefully unfolded the rice paper and looked at it.

However, the entire paper was blank, with no last words at all, only a hasty and low drop of irregular ink and a shallow water mark.

Maybe it's tears...

Gu Qiqi lowered her eyes, feeling a dull pain in her heart again.

It is almost impossible to imagine how Chu Junmo felt when he sat alone at home and spread out this piece of rice paper on the last night of his life.

Gong Jue stood behind her and glanced at the rice paper.

I thought silently in my heart, did Chu Junmo, that old fox, lose his control of his hands before he died, couldn't hold his pen and was trembling? I couldn't write a single word, and ended up smearing my nose on the paper... I've been pretending for a lifetime, but I still can't stand it anymore, right? Let’s go back to looking like ordinary people, huh!

Gu Qiqi took photos and registered the valuable antiques and various furniture in Chu Junmo's room one by one, so that when they were handed over to the descendants of the Chu family in the future, the handover would be clearer.

Especially Chu Junmo's room, she almost didn't move, keeping it exactly as it was when he was alive, as if he would come back one day.

The two walked to the medicine field behind the house.

Sure enough, a remote corner of the medicinal field was bald, and many medicinal herbs had been plucked out.

It should be the place where the heart-building grass was once planted.

Gong Jue curled his lips and saw that the Heart-Building Grass was being emptied. He couldn't help but muttered: "Old Demon Chu was very cruel to me, cutting off his own escape route..."

Gu Qiqi rolled her eyes at him: "I can use the pharmacopoeia to find a way to build the heart-building grass, but I have no clue about the most critical time gate..."

Gong Jue shut up.

He might have had a clue, but he went home and had a fight with the old man, messing up the matter again.

He lowered his eyes and looked at the tips of his shoes.

He turned around and sent a message.

Palace residence.

Gong Qing received the message and opened it: "You brat actually had time to send me a message, hum! Wife, come and see, your son is apologizing to me, hahahaha..."

When Song Song heard this, he saw two very concise words on the text message: "Wrong."

The corners of her lips twitched: "..."

How do you know this is your son's apology?

My son doesn't have the character to admit that he was wrong at all.

Gong Qing held the phone and was overjoyed: "Thirty years, thirty years, this is the first time I heard my son admit that he was wrong! Hahahaha!"

Song Song thought for a while and swallowed the words that came to her mouth. It was better not to hit her husband and let him think that it was his son who was apologizing. This would be more conducive to repairing the relationship between father and son.

Well, she’s striking while the iron is hot!

"Husband, I told you yesterday about going to Mr. Gu to propose marriage. How are you thinking about it! Pack up quickly and come with me! By the way, take the talisman with you and give it to Miss Qiqi!"

"Easy to say! Easy to say!"

As expected, Gong Qing was taken with him and he agreed to whatever he said.

I took the talisman and went out happily. I didn't even notice that my phone received another text message from Gong Jue:

"Sorry, I didn't send the complete message just now. I want to tell you that you are wrong, Gong Qing. Even if you don't give me a way to open the door of time, you can't stop my determination to find a way for Qiqi. Big deal. , I will go through more troubles and endure more hardships. But if you don’t let me go, that’s impossible!”

After Gong Jue sent this message, he seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

Turning around and hugging Gu Qiqi from behind: "Don't worry, I will try my best to find a way to find that ghost time door..." A real lady is online to help you find books and chat with you, please use WeChat/Chat/Search/ or rdww444 are waiting for you~

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