Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2057 Qiqi is nothing!

Qianqian Novel Network

When Gu Qiqi heard Gong Jue's solemn promise, her heart softened and she said softly: "I am too impatient. Don't put yourself in danger. Let me think carefully before speaking..."

Gong Jue turned her body over and said seriously: "I owe Chu Daiyu's favor, I will pay it back to him!"

Gu Qiqi muttered: "What's the point of dividing what's yours and what's mine..."

Gong Jue's ears tipped, and he suddenly hugged her tightly, his voice carrying a bit of charm: "What did you say? Say it again for me to hear?"

Why did he seem to have heard a love message?

Gu Qiqi's ears turned red: "It's nothing! Hurry up and continue working!"

Gong Jue pretended to be dishonest and said with a raised lip: "Well, it's not bad to 'work' in the medicine field. If you do something, you can work with me, and I can work with you, regardless of your work and mine..."

As he said that, he kissed her fiercely.

Gu Qiqi: "..."

The lips just touched.


Gu Qiqi's cell phone rang at an inappropriate time.

Gong Jue depressed and was about to press the button, but Gu Qiqi saw the numbers from the corner of her eye and quickly stopped him: "It's a hospital, grandpa's hospital..."

Is there a call from the hospital where Mr. Gu lives?

No matter how lustful Gong Jue was, he had to quickly extinguish the fire and said seriously: "Hurry up and answer the phone."

Mr. Gu was poisoned and was unconscious for so long. Could it be that his condition has worsened?

Gu Qiqi also had this worry.

She answered the phone with concern, but unexpectedly, the caller received good news: "Miss Qiqi, your grandpa is awake!"

However, another piece of bad news came right after: "However, your family is clamoring to take him out, saying that our hospital is not qualified..."

Before Gu Qiqi finished listening, her hands were shaking with anger, and her voice was a bit colder: "Don't listen to those bedbugs' nonsense. If the Affiliated Hospital of Teikoku Medical University is not qualified, why did they choose a small roadside clinic? Are you qualified? Please help me take care of grandpa and let the security guards stop them. They must not be allowed to do whatever they want. I will be there soon!"

"Okay, Miss Qiqi, come here quickly. We can't hold on any longer. Mainly, mainly because there is an old lady inside who is too difficult to deal with. She, she, she alone can stand up to ten..." The nurse Very crazy.

Gu Qiqi's eyes became a little colder.

Difficult old lady?

Haha, could it be that Old Mrs. Gu started acting bad again?

Before she could pursue the matter of poisoning with the old lady, the old lady knocked on the door herself!

Okay, let’s do some calculations today!

Just as Gu Qiqi expected.

When she and Gong Jue rushed to the hospital, they encountered the most exciting scene.

Mrs. Gu gave full play to her shameless power at her age. She sat in front of Mr. Gu's hospital bed and held on to the infusion tube without letting go.

He even shouted loudly: "We are going to be discharged from the hospital! We are going to be discharged from the hospital! If anyone dares to stop me, I will fight with my old bones!"

The security guards gathered in a circle, but no one dared to come forward. Some were afraid of injuring the elderly lady and being trapped; some were afraid that the old lady's hand would accidentally tear off the old man's infusion tube. Don't let anything happen to the old man!

The nurse who called Gu Qiqi gently and kindly advised her: "Old madam, don't be angry, let's talk slowly, okay? This hospitalization procedure was done by Miss Qiqi, and she has to sign it even if she wants to be discharged. , how about you wait a little longer, we will contact Miss Qiqi to come over and negotiate with you..."

As a result, before she finished speaking, the old lady picked up an empty infusion bottle and threw it at her head: "Gu Qiqi is a fool! I am the old man's family member! I have the final say!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a clear and powerful female voice came from outside the door: "You have the final say? Who are you?!"

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