Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2058 The powerful heiress of the Gu family

Qianqian Novel Network

Gu Qiqi's eyebrows were cold, she held the bottle that the old lady had smashed in her hand, and looked coldly at the old lady who was leaning on the ground, pretending to be a monster.

The nurse next to her was in shock. She saw Gu Qiqi almost falling from the sky to save her. Otherwise, her head might have been smashed by the old lady. The look in her eyes when she looked at Gu Qiqi was different. It was as if she was worshiping herself. The great hero: "Miss Qiqi, you are finally here to take charge of the overall situation..."

Gu Qiqi reached out and comforted her: "Thank you for your hard work."

The nurse's eyes were filled with stars: "I'll kill you if you touch your head!" Ouch! Girl Qiqi is so handsome!

The old lady frowned and glared at Gu Qiqi with extremely unhappy eyes: "Huh, it's useless for you to come! You don't need to ask me who I am. I am the wife of the old man Ming Media, and I have the right to make the decision. Where does he live and what treatment plan does he receive! You? Leave it alone!"

Gu Qiqi narrowed her eyes: "When grandpa revised his will, he had given me the position of the head of the Gu family and announced it in front of many relatives and friends at the family banquet. Have you forgotten? As a member of the Gu family I have the absolute authority to manage the affairs of the heiress, the next head of the family, and everyone in the Gu family. Unless... you don't want to stay in the Gu family, you are naturally not under my jurisdiction..."

The old lady's pupils shrank.

Gu Qiqi said the words that she hated the most!

Damn this old fool, he actually made Gu Qiqi the heir, and Gu Qiqi brought out the identity of the family head at this juncture. Isn't this trying to undermine her and ruin her good deeds?

Especially the security guards next to her looked at her differently.

Just now, everyone was too cautious to touch her for fear of touching her precious body. Now when they heard that Gu Qiqi was the head and heiress of the Gu family, they all looked at Gu Qiqi with admiration and awe. Stop taking her for granted.

There was even a security guard who stood on tiptoes to see Gu Qiqi's true appearance not far away, so he stepped on her sandals and hurt her feet! foot! foot!

The old lady made use of the topic and suddenly burst into tears, crying: "My old bones are going to be killed by my ignorant granddaughter..."

She had just started crying, but before her momentum rose, Gu Qiqi interrupted her coldly: "I didn't kill you, it was you who wanted to kill my grandpa. Do you really think that no one knows what you did?"

Gu Qiqi's tone was sharp and strong, like an invisible sword, piercing the old lady's hidden heart.

The old lady forced herself to calm down: "What nonsense are you talking about!"

Gu Qiqi took a picture of a long call list printed paper on the old lady: "I even found the buyer of the poison you bought. What did you use the poison for? Don't you have some ideas in your mind? ?”

Mrs. Gu's heart skipped a beat.

The phone numbers on that list looked so familiar.

Isn't that just...

Oh my God, how did Gu Qiqi find out about the drug dealer she contacted using a special mobile phone she bought secretly?

Didn’t the drug dealer say he had great powers and could block call records?

Among the six gods and no masters, she almost gave up.

But then I thought about it and thought that I was already at the end of my rope. With the little private money left in my account, the days were inexplicably passing by little by little, and even the bank was unable to do anything.

If she doesn't get some help from the old man, how will she enjoy the rest of her life? How luxurious? Why are you acting so recklessly? Real girls are online services to help you find books and chat with you. Please use WeChat/Chat/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you to tease~

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