Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2067 Gu Xuexue was stepped on in the face! 【Cool】

Qianqian Novel Network

Gu Xuexue said a lot, her mouth went dry and she raised her head, eagerly waiting for Gong Qing and his wife's answer.

She was so subtle and shrewd in provoking that as long as it was a normal family, they would never accept a woman as complex, unclean and vicious as Gu Qiqi as their daughter-in-law!

The best result is that Gong Qing and his wife get angry on the spot, take Gong Jue back, and then severely humiliate Gu Qiqi in front of Mr. Gu, angrily scolding how a slut like Gu Qiqi has the right to stand in front of the prince. around!

The worst result... Haha, maybe Gong Qing and his wife could just bring Gu Qiqi's debauched behavior to the Beigong royal family, and then announce it all over the upper class circles, whip it up, and completely let her go. Gu Qiqi lost her reputation.

This is much more powerful than her secretly hiring trolls to post videos and black material on the Internet.

Gu Xuexue was thinking proudly when she suddenly heard two voices above her head explode -

"So you are the cousin in Qiqi's family who failed to live up to expectations and was kicked out, Gu Xuexue? I heard that you failed to pretend to be the vice president's wife some time ago and disappeared. Why, have you switched to snitching now? Sorry, my family I know very well what kind of person Qiqi is, so I won’t bother you to explain it to you."

Song Song said softly.

But, there is a hidden meaning in every word!

It made Gu Xuexue's face turn blue and white!

"Hmph, what nonsense are you talking to this scumbag about? Aren't you here to propose marriage today?!" Gong Qing's words were concise and concise, but one sentence directly stunned Gu Xuexue.

Proposing...proposing marriage?

What kind of marriage are you proposing? Who to propose marriage to?

Gu Xuexue looked at Gong Qing in disbelief.

Although Song Song's words were heartbreaking enough, her little trick just now was in vain. She was clearly seen by others, and she couldn't pretend anymore. Her face was burning and hurting, as if she had been slapped several times.

However, Gong Qing's "proposing marriage" simply blocked her path. It can be said that it sealed her throat with a knife!

But it was more like a step on her face, harder than a slap in the face!

Gu Xuexue wriggled her lower lip and had nothing to say.

There is only a turmoil brewing in my heart——

Gu Qiqi's identity is so embarrassing, her love history is so complicated, she has lost everything, and she is dragging a baby with her. How can such a woman be accepted by the Gong family?

Are you also eligible to marry again? ? ?

She, Gu Xuexue, refused to accept it! ! !

Gu Xuexue lay on the ground, looking at Gong Qing and his wife, leaving her behind without looking back, and walked towards Gu Qiqi.

Although Gong Qing didn't suddenly become gentle towards Gu Qiqi, he took the initiative to stuff a gift box to Gu Qiqi for the first time: "Girl, this is for you."

The comparison between the doting and loving "girl" and the "fox girl" who was previously disgusted and despised is enough to show the 180-degree turn in Gong Qing's attitude!

Gu Qiqi was also quite surprised.

Gong Qing always disliked her.

She was nice enough not to embarrass herself in public, but she actually... gave her a gift?

The "proposing marriage" just now may have been a joke, but this gift is real.

She looked at Gong Jue in disbelief, but Gong Jue raised his chin quite easily and casually, indicating to her to open the gift in public: "Just take it if it's for you, no need to be polite to him!"

Gu Qiqi's lips twitched slightly and she had no choice but to take off the ribbon.

The gift box is long and flat, which is different from others.

When I opened it, to my surprise, it turned out to be a piece of yellowed tissue paper!


Mr. Gu, who was sitting on the hospital bed, couldn't sit still when he saw this. He coughed a few times and said, "Gong Qing, is this how you come to propose marriage? Is your son worth a piece of paper? Although our Gu family doesn't care about money, we are like Qiqi. She is like a jewel, if you want to marry her, you can’t get past me if you are not sincere!”

The old man was so eager to protect Gu Qiqi that he didn't even think about the fact that Gu Qiqi was still in the Beigong royal family!

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