Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2068 Let Master Qi be the head mistress of the Gong family!

Qianqian Novel Network

Seeing that the so-called token of the Gong family's parents' marriage proposal was actually a piece of yellowed waste paper, Gu Xuexue in the corner felt inexplicably happy!

Hahaha, I thought the Gong family valued Gu Qiqi and felt sorry for Gu Qiqi.

It turned out to be just a scrap of paper to apply for the job. Could this be a deliberate slap in the face?

Well, that's right. A rag like Gu Qiqi, who has been married and given birth to a child, and even a woman's precious first time has been tampered with, so she only needs a piece of tattered paper to propose marriage, hahahaha.

Gu Xuexue held her half-broken arm and finally felt much more comfortable.


This secret pleasure did not last long.

Soon, after her face was stepped on, her IQ was also mercilessly stepped on by everyone——

Just listen to Song Song's soft voice explaining to Mr. Gu: "Mr. Gu, this paper is not an ordinary piece of paper. It is what Miss Qiqi needs. It can unlock the key to an important secret."

Because there were too many people waiting at the scene.

Song Song couldn't explain it too clearly, so he could only continue with hints that Gu Qiqi could understand: "This piece of paper connects the past and the future. Miss Qiqi can use it to realize what she wants to do very much recently. Miss Qiqi, you know this thing? In fact, our Gong family has no shortage of gold, silver, jewelry, and luxury antiques. As long as Miss Qiqi likes it, the entire Gong family’s wealth can be given to Miss Qiqi as a betrothal gift. But the lower betrothal The most important thing is sincerity, and Gong Qing and I have seriously discussed that whatever Miss Qiqi needs most now, we will give her whatever it is, so that we can express our truest feelings! As for the rest, as long as Miss Qiqi is willing If she gets married, the entire palace family can make the decision for her."

As soon as Song Song said these words, everyone present took a breath.

What Mrs. Gong means is that as long as Gu Qiqi is willing to marry, then she will give up her position as the mistress of the Gong family and directly let Gu Qiqi be the head of the family!

Oh my god, this is the most generous, generous, and most helpful mother-in-law in history, right?

The Gong family also has a son, and a woman of the right age still has the opportunity to be the daughter-in-law of the Gong family. If it weren’t for the fact that the president, Gong Sheng, is too aloof and not close to women, everyone would now want to go back and take their daughter out and stuff it into the Gong family. .

As shocked as everyone else was Mr. Gu.

He couldn't see any mystery in this piece of paper, but as Mrs. Gong said, Qiqi could be the mistress of the family, and Qiqi could take charge of the entire Gong family... This promise was amazing.

Not to mention the wealth and strength of the Gong family, just this full sincerity is touching!

He twitched his beard and smiled, no longer objecting.

Gu Qiqi, who was surrounded by everyone, had the most intense shock in her eyes at this moment.

She didn't pay attention to other things Song Song said, only that thin piece of "waste paper" grabbed all her attention!

She understood Song Song's hint.

This piece of paper is supposed to be an extraordinary talisman that can open the door to time that she has dreamed of.

As long as she opens the door of time, she can peek into the future and find a way to help Brother Chu.

Gu Qiqi's heartbeat quickened and she treasured the talisman paper.

The Lord Gong whispered jokingly in her ear: "Stupid woman, after accepting the betrothal gift from the Gong family, you will become a member of my Gong family from now on."

Gu Qiqi's lips twitched slightly, she hesitated, and took out the talisman again: "Then let me think about it again..."

After all, her current status is still a bit embarrassing, not to mention the face of the Beigong family, so it would not be good to just agree to the Gong family! Do you need to find the latest chapters by yourself when reading a book? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or the suduwx beauty editor will help you find books! You really can do both reading and flirting with girls!

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