Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2073: The wedding night was a fight on the bed

Qianqian Novel Network

When Beigong Niannian heard that Gu Qiqi and Gong Jue were getting married, her little head was filled with excitement and she ran to check out the necessary things for the wedding night.

"Secretary Jin, give me a wedding night encyclopedia!" she ordered her capable subordinate.

Secretary Jin almost stumbled and fell to his knees: "B... boss, did you just say the words wedding, wedding, day and night?"

"Nonsense, is my chairman's pronunciation so unclear?" Xiao Naibao pouted.

Secretary Jin: "No, no, no, it's me who is deaf, deaf. Boss, can I ask you what the purpose of checking this is..."

"As a secretary, please keep in mind the first rule of 'ask less and do more', thank you!"

"Yes!" Secretary Jin burst into tears, "Boss, can I still ask the last question?"

"That's really long-winded, okay, hurry up." Nian Nian's little expression pretending to be aloof is as cute as it gets.

"Excuse me, boss, do you want the text-only one, or...ahem, the one with pictures and text?"

"Hmm... I don't quite understand this. Then just get one."

Secretary Jin went to perform the task with a sad and angry tone.

Soon, two books were delivered to me in person. I was blushing when I arrived, but I ran away when I left!

Beigong Niannian was satisfied. She carried two thick books into the bedroom with her little chubby legs and studied them slowly.

"It turns out that on the wedding night, we have to compete in martial arts and fight on the bed!"

"Wow, so intense!"

"What, can you prepare some medicine to help?"

"Well, 'Both two people have achieved the greatness, perfection, fullness, greatness, joy, and joy of life...' What does this sentence mean? After all, getting married is a very happy thing, right? It seems that I want to help Wolf Wolf Dabi and Mommy are getting ready..."

Bei Gong Niannian flipped through a few pages of the book and came to such an important conclusion.

At this moment, Beigong Mingtian’s study.

The study room is on the top floor of the main building of the manor. It is so high up that you can clearly see from the floor-to-ceiling windows the farce caused by Gu Xuexue at the gate.

The window was half open, and Gu Xuexue's hoarse screams could be heard: "Gu Qiqi wants to marry another wild man! She wants to divorce Prince Beigong. Such an unchaste woman remarrying halfway is a humiliation to the royal family... !”

Beigong Mingtian's cold face showed a slight twist of pain.

However, he still calmly ordered the royal guards: "Get rid of that woman. If she dares to come again in the future, take her directly to the police station and charge her with harassment."

The royal guard pursed his lips: "Your Highness, if this woman talks nonsense on the Internet and spreads rumors that you and the princess are getting divorced..."

Bei Gong Mingtian closed his eyes and said in a cold voice: "Don't you all know how to control online public opinion? Are you going to ask me to teach you how to do it step by step?"

"Yes!" The royal guard's heart trembled, and his relaxed attitude suddenly became tense. It turned out that His Highness the Prince was not as uncaring as he appeared on the surface.

This is the rhythm to nip divorce rumors in the bud.

After the guards left, Beigong Mingtian called Wu Jiujiu in with a phone call.

Wu Jiujiu was dressed in pastoral clothes, with an apron tied around his waist, and a flower shovel in his hand. There was a little flower mud on his fair face, and he said impatiently: "Hey, Beigong Mingtian, are you mistaken? I'm not a slave of your royal family, someone who comes and goes when called upon. The reason why I stay in the royal family is all for Qiqi, do you understand? So if you have something to say, say it quickly!"

Bei Gong Mingtian was silent for a moment, then said coldly: "Qiqi wants to divorce me." When reading a book, you still have to find the latest chapter? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or the suduwx beauty editor will help you find books! You really can do both reading and flirting with girls!

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