Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2074 Do you dare to sleep with her?

Qianqian Novel Network

Bei Gong Mingtian knew very well that although Gu Xuexue came to the house deliberately to cause trouble, nothing in the world was without reason, and Qiqi's divorce was definitely not groundless.

This may not be a rumor, but a fact.

Wu Jiujiu was stunned. After he realized what he was doing, his face suddenly smiled like a rose, and he clapped his hands in celebration: "Great! She divorces you. This is a great joy, hahahaha..."

Bei Gong Mingtian rolled his eyes at her angrily: "Don't think you will have a chance if Qiqi divorces me! She likes men, not women! Humph."

Wu Jiujiu pouted: "What does that matter? So what if you are a man? Do you dare to hold Qiqi's hand? Can you sleep with Qiqi? Do you dare to kiss Qiqi? Hahahaha, and I, a woman...I You all dare!"

Bei Gong Mingtian was so angry that he clenched the corner of the desk with his wrists, and the veins on his skin pulsated faintly: "..."

He really wanted to say, Wu Jiu, you are awesome, right? Why were you so awesome that you climbed into my bed on my wedding night and slept with me? !

Yes, I don’t dare to be frivolous with Qiqi, but I dare to touch you!

Are you still embarrassed to chat with me now?

He used up his willpower to maintain the dignity of a gentleman and did not fight back at Wu Jiujiu.

Wu Jiujiu had no idea that he was already being resented in the other person's heart. He continued to interrogate him like a little princess: "Where did you get the news? Did Qiqi tell you personally?"

Bei Gong Mingtian said in a muffled voice: "She hasn't said it yet. It was spread by others."

What he hated most about himself was that he didn't even have the courage to call Qiqi to confirm.

He was really afraid that Qiqi would tell her that yes, what Gu Xuexue said was true.

In fact, the moment Gong Jue came back, he knew that he might not be able to keep Qiqi anymore, even if they were a fake couple on the surface.

But when the moment really arrived, he was shocked to realize how uncomfortable and unbearable his heart was.

For three years, he has become accustomed to the fact that Qiqi is his princess. Now that the palace lord wants to take Qiqi away from him, it is tantamount to beating his bones and peeling off his skin.

Let him shed blood and be separated from Qiqi.


Really hurts!

Wu Jiu tilted his head and didn't pay attention to Bei Gong Mingtian's painful expression at all. Instead, he was immersed in his own thoughts: "If she divorces you, does that mean that the lord wants to marry her? That's right, lord's. The case was finally overturned and it was natural for him to marry Qiqi..."

Bei Gong Mingtian suddenly burst out in anger: "It's only natural! He threw Qiqi away and left for three years. Now he's coming back. A large group of us are surrounding him to help him with his lawsuit. Victory. But now, after winning the lawsuit, he took away Qiqi just as he said, and how could he take things like taking away his wife so naturally? Why should he take it as a matter of course!"

Wu Jiu’s eyelids twitched!

Although Bei Gong Mingtian is usually a bit aloof, he is quite a gentleman.

He never gets angry when she teases him.

This was the first time she had seen him angry. It was actually quite scary and manly...ah, quite rude.

"You...what do you mean? Are you trying to snatch Qiqi from the lord?" Wu Jiujiu looked at Beigong Mingtian up and down.

To be honest, Beigong Mingtian and Jueye were both men, so she didn't have much objection to whoever married Qiqi.

However, Xiao Tiantian has paid so much in the past three years, but someone took away the princess. Just thinking about it makes me feel so pitiful... A real lady is online to help you find books and chat with you. Please use WeChat/Search/Search Popular online articles or rdww444 are waiting for you~

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