Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2075: I held her in my arms and kissed her on the stairs.

Qianqian Novel Network

"Why, do you think I'm not worthy of competing with him?"

"I didn't say you weren't worthy. It's because you don't have confidence in yourself that you think others think so. I think you're pretty good too. You see you have status, a good family background, and education. You never blush when you quarrel with your wife, huh? , you are quite knowledgeable and talented... There should be many women who dream of having you as their husband for a man like you, you are no worse than others."

Beigong Mingtian: "..."

Does he have so many advantages?

The key point is, why are these advantages so unbelievable when told by Wu Jiu, a woman who has been against him all day long and who is incompatible with him.

Seeing Beigong Mingtian's silence, Wu Jiujiu patted him on the shoulder earnestly: "Xiao Tiantian, in my opinion, don't think too much. The decision-making power on this matter lies with Qiqi, not you and me. Anyway, now Qiqi is also If you don’t say it clearly, just pretend you don’t know. A good life can only be lived day by day. It’s best to be happy as a human being, and the most important thing is to enjoy yourself in time..."

Bei Gong Mingtian shrank his shoulders as if they were being burned, and shook her hand away unhappily: "I don't need you to teach me the truth. Who said you and I don't have the right to make a decision. This matter has a lot to do with you and me!"

He cast his eyes toward the distant sky outside the window and said in a low voice: "Listen to me, you must cooperate with me on this matter. We are going to do something big and let that guy Gong Jue..."

Wu Jiu's eyes lit up: "Are you going to cause trouble? Make trouble? Say it quickly, say it, I like it!!!"

Beigong Mingtian: "We will do this when the time comes..."

The night was long, the two of them were whispering and discussing, and unknowingly they got closer and closer...


at the same time.

Gong Jue and Gu Qiqi visited Mr. Gu and saw that his condition was stable after he regained consciousness, so they both returned to Mo Garden.

Gong Jue did not expect that Gong Qing would give such a big surprise today, and actually come to propose marriage with gifts in person.

Moreover, this gift is exactly what Qi Qi needs at the moment, the secret key to the Gate of Time.

He couldn't help but send a message to reply to Gong Qing: "Well done. Thanks."

Who would have known that Gong Qing wasn't looking at his phone at first, but when he heard the text message ringing and took it out, his son actually praised him, "Well, that's good, I'm very pleased."


When his eyes moved up, he finally found the long list that Gong Jue had sent him before, about "parents should not interfere with their children", "everyone has his own life", "I must decide my own affairs, so please stop interfering", "you are in charge" After saying "Just be good to yourself and don't bother me", Gong Qing's face turned dark instantly! blacken!

"Damn, brat, if I had known you thought so, I wouldn't have proposed marriage to you! I wouldn't have helped you with a betrothal gift so that you couldn't get a wife, you deserve it!"

"By the way, there is also the Nordic independent island that the brat deceived from me three years ago. I shouldn't give it to him either!"

"How many betrothal gifts did you defraud from me without knowing it? You haven't found a wife yet. You are so stupid. Who gave birth to this stupid thing???"

Gong Qing's roar startled Song Song out of the bathroom and looked at him blankly: "What's wrong? I gave birth to my stupid son. Do you have any objections?"

Gong Qing: "..."

Wife, I dare not have any objection to you.


Gong Qing was furious to death, but Gong Jue was very affectionate.

He carried Gu Qiqi all the way back to the bedroom.

They kissed on the stairs while walking: "We will go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to register our marriage tomorrow, okay?"

Gu Qiqi was so dazed by the kiss that she squeaked: "Well, no, it can't be done. I haven't dissolved my marriage to Beigong Mingtian yet, and I owe the Beigong family an explanation..." Real-life young lady online service , help you find books to chat with you, please use WeChat/message/search/search popular online articles or rdww444 is waiting for you~

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