Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2076 I haven’t done it in the bathroom for a long time

Qianqian Novel Network

Gong Jue bit her lips depressedly: "The disgusting Beigong family!"

Gu Qiqi laughed: "You still have the nerve to say who left me alone back then, and secretly discussed with Bei Gong Mingtian to let him take care of me for the rest of my life, huh? You thought God wasn't watching what people were doing, and thought it was a mess. Did you promise that there will be no retribution?”

Gong Jue: "..."

Damn it, I didn't know retribution would come so quickly.

Gu Qiqi took advantage of Gong Jue's daze and pushed him away: "Stop making trouble and go take a shower."

Gong Jue retracted his thoughts and curled his lips: "Wash together, we haven't done it in the bathroom for a long time..."

Gu Qiqi: "..."

What they say is pure bathing!


What are the stupid men thinking? Men are indeed animals that think with their lower body. If you don’t think about that for a second, you’ll feel uncomfortable, right?

She pushed him unceremoniously: "You go and take a shower. I have to study the talisman and the map. Tomorrow I will prepare to set off to Hanbeiling to find the Gate of Time."

The place where Gong Jue had just warmed up suddenly became cold, and he said in a muffled voice: "Are you going to Hanbeiling tomorrow?"

Are you too concerned about the dead Demon Chu? Can’t wait to get him back?

Gu Qiqi nodded matter-of-factly: "Of course, time waits for no one. If Brother Chu has been reborn in the next life, the sooner we can give him hints, the better. I will study the map talisman tonight, and then use the pharmacopoeia to cultivate what he needs as soon as possible Bring the Heart-Building Grass over there, and also bring the news about the Flame Blood, to see if he can start looking for the Flame Blood early in his next life. Even if he buys it ml by ml, he can add up to a little. Save lives..."

Gu Qiqi helped Chu Junmo plan everything in detail, which made Gong Jue extremely depressed.

When his wife works for another man in front of him, the feeling is really... like tasting a bottle of old vinegar.

But unfortunately, the source of this old jealousy has something to do with himself.

Gong Jue knew that interrupting Gu Qiqi's arrangements would definitely make Gu Qiqi unhappy, so he had no choice but to endure his soreness and replied dully: "I'm going to take a shower first."

Gu Qiqi nodded, went to the study to wash herself off, and then began to study the itinerary...

In the room, apart from the sound of her pen rustling on rice paper, there was the sound of Gong Jue taking a shower in the bathroom.

Neither of them noticed that the fingerprint lock on the door downstairs was gently opened.

Little Milk Bag sneaked in quietly with a mini robot.

"Brother Yun, brother Yun, go and spy what Mommy and Langlang Babi are doing?" Beigong Niannian ordered in a low voice.

Brother Yun flew to the second floor dutifully.

After a while, he came back and reported: "My young master, your lordship and Miss Qiqi are in the study and bathroom."

Bei Gong Niannian opened the one she carried with her and tilted her little head to think: "Hmm, Lang Lang Daba takes a bath alone? This is a bit different from the picture in the book. The book clearly shows two people taking a bath together in the bathroom, but... Said it was convenient to make babies. Niannian really hoped that Mommy would give Niannian a little sister and brother to play with. Brother Tuanzi has grown up and is not so fun anymore and is not very obedient. But Langlang Daba takes a bath alone. , there is no way to have a baby with Mama, right?"

Brother Yun flashed the indicator light above his head. As a robot, he didn't know much about this kind of knowledge. He could only answer vaguely: "Oh... maybe..."

Beigong Niannian took a deep breath and made up her mind: "It doesn't matter, I have a way!" The real lady is online and will help you find books to chat with you. Please WeChat/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you. Flirting~

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