Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2077: 1 bursts of violent collision!

Qianqian Novel Network

Bei Gong Niannian carefully took out a small bottle from her bag. Inside were two very mini and beautiful Western Region incense sticks.

She handed the Western Incense to Brother Yun: "Go and light one for the door of Lang Lang Daba's bathroom, and one for the door of Mama's study... Be careful and don't get caught! Wait, Mama's one, are you there? Put some vinegar on the side.”

The incense may be used to cheer up Sir Alex and Miss Qiqi, but what the hell is vinegar?

Brother Yun didn't know why: "Jealous?"

"Yes! My mother's nose is very good, she can detect this smell. If she is more jealous, she will think that Lang Lang is cooking, and she might relax her vigilance! Let me tell you, my incense stick is very powerful , as long as they smell a little bit, they are guaranteed to have a perfect and happy wedding night." Beigong niannian patted her chest and answered confidently.

Brother Yun's mechanical lips twitched fiercely a few times, and he quickly pinched the mechanical nose.

Well, maybe he, a robot, won't be burned by this magical incense, so he can go find a female robot to solve it, right?

After Brother Yun quickly finished the matter according to Xiao Naibao's instructions, Beigong Niannian covered her little mouth and snickered as she led him away, as if she had never been here before...


Gong Jue and Gu Qiqi are definitely different...

Gong Jue, who was taking a shower in the bathroom, was thinking depressedly about how to divert his wife's attention from Chu Junmo and talk to him about divorcing Beigong Mingtian and marrying him.

Before he could figure out the reason, suddenly, a pleasant aroma drifted across his nose.

I couldn't help but take two more puffs and sneeze, and then I felt something was wrong with my body.


fire! fire! fire!

His whole body felt like it was set on fire, and he felt like he was drowning in the deep sea and couldn't breathe. He was in urgent need of extinguishing the fire, and he was in urgent need of someone to give him some fresh breath!

Gong Jue turned off the shower in a flash. He didn't even have time to put on his clothes, so he grabbed the towel and strode out.

Water marks all the way.

The man knocked on the study door with heavy breathing.

Gu Qiqi turned around in surprise and saw that Gong Jue was not wearing any clothes, even the towel in his hand was lying on the ground, and he was walking towards her like this. She was completely stunned.

As soon as Gong Jue saw her, he felt the fire in his body burning even more intensely!

It just adds fuel to the fire.

She smells great here too!

He took a deep breath and inhaled all the scent of incense and vinegar beside the door. He felt like he was going to explode.

With eyes as deep as ink, he picked up Gu Qiqi from the chair and directly straddled him, sat on him, straddled him!

Before Gu Qiqi could struggle, Gong Jue kissed her: "Stop talking..."


She wanted to struggle, but found that her whole body was so limp that she couldn't exert any strength.

what's the situation?

This is Moyuan, home.

Why is there any medicine at home that makes her unable to work hard?

Did Gong Jue do it?

I haven't thought about it yet.

The clothes on her body had been torn apart by Gong Jue.

In the air, there were only a series of "hiss-hiss-" crackling sounds.

The night is long.

He is also very long...


Noon the next day.

Gu Qiqi woke up with pain all over her body, and when she saw Gong Jue sleeping next to her with a satisfied and comfortable look on her face, she became very angry.

"Master Gong! Look at the good things you have done!"

She bit her lip, extended her legs without politeness, and kicked Gong Jue under the bed...


Gong Jue was sleeping beautifully. In his sleep, he still felt like he was holding Gu Qiqi and kissing her endlessly.

But, as I kept kissing, something was wrong.

Unexpectedly... the sky collapsed, and the two of them rolled into the huge gap opened by the earthquake!

He hugged Gu Qiqi tightly and protected her in his arms: "Qiqi, I will not let you get hurt... I will definitely rescue you..."

"Save you!" Gu Qiqi's scolding came to her ears. Real girls are online services to help you find books and chat with you. Please use WeChat/Chat/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you to tease~

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