Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2078: The soul was almost knocked away by him

Qianqian Novel Network

Gong Jue felt a pain in his head and woke up.

He frowned and found that he was actually lying on the carpet, with Gu Qiqi in his arms, not in a crack in the ground.

He breathed a sigh of relief: "Stupid woman, are you okay? You didn't knock your head just now, did you? My head hurts..."

Gu Qiqi just screamed in anger at this moment, stretched out her hand and flicked his forehead hard: "It hurts, right? Do you know what pain feels like? Then why didn't you ask me if you were doing it for so long last night? Can you bear it?"

Her small waist ached every time she moved.

Not to mention that I kicked him just now and my legs cramped up.

If it weren't for this, he wouldn't have dragged her away and dropped her under the bed with him.

So depressed!

On the contrary, when Gong Jue heard Gu Qiqi say that he had done it for a "long time", the man's self-esteem was inexplicably greatly satisfied.

His face suddenly brightened up a lot, and he joked: "It seemed like someone was pestering me last night, saying that it felt very uncomfortable inside, that it was on fire, and asked me to hurry up and use harder...who said that?"

Gu Qiqi's little face turned red all of a sudden: "Well, that was at the beginning, okay... then I didn't say anything anymore, I just begged you to end it quickly, okay?"

At first it was the effect of the medicine, she was very uncomfortable and needed to be solved.

But then the medicine wore off. Why did this man keep moving forward bravely and forcing himself again and again? Who could stand it?

Hun'er was almost knocked away by his strong force.

Gong Jue smiled and leaned close to her ear: "You know men can't stand women saying, I beg you. Moreover, I heard that women like to talk sarcastically, and usually say it's over soon. In fact, the translation is - —You’re great, please continue. Huh? I understand, right?”

Gu Qiqi: "..."

Right! Right!

She wanted to bite him to death.

This bad guy got a good deal and acted like a good boy.

Seeing that Gu Qiqi was really annoyed, Gong Jue gave up and stood up with one hand supporting his body, still holding Gu Qiqi firmly in his arms.

Go directly to the bathroom.

Gu Qiqi struggled: "I don't want it anymore! I don't want it anymore! Don't do that... you're a pervert... a wolf!"

Gong Jue curled his lips and said sternly: "Qiqi, don't flirt with me. Don't always think about that kind of thing at a young age. Thinking about that kind of thing too much will hurt your body. We are just taking a pure bath. Do you think that is? What to do?"

Gu Qiqi blushed so hard: "..."

How could this man talk nonsense so seriously!

It was obvious that he was the one who flirted with her first, so why did she end up being a woman full of lust?


Most of the day passed with the two of them going back and forth like this.

Gong Jue can no longer register at the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Of course, Gu Qiqi's trip to Hanbeiling was also delayed.

Only Beigong Niannian was the happiest, and from time to time she would ask Brother Yun: "Did my mommy and Lang Langba get married last night?"

Brother Yun choked and replied sternly: "As far as I know, it doesn't count."

"Why?!" Xiao Naibao was very disappointed, "They have already proposed marriage and had a bridal chamber, why is it not considered a wedding?"

Brother Robot Yun felt very embarrassed: "Well... when you get married, you first need a man to propose. After he agrees to the proposal, he goes to get the certificate and seal it, which means the country and the world recognize it, and then he has to hold a grand wedding to announce it to the world... …”

"I understand! We just need a notebook and a wedding, right? No, there's also a proposal from Lang Lang Babi! I have to think of a way..." Xiao Nai Bao thought seriously, thinking about how to push them forward Confirm this marriage as soon as possible.

at the same time.

It was sunny and beautiful outside, but at this time, it was eerie and cold in the dungeon of the Imperial City Prison.

In the prison, the shackles of felons are dragged on the ground from time to time, making a heart-shaking "clang-clang-" sound...

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