Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2122 The real betrothal gift! 【Must see】

Qianqian Novel Network

"Airplane show! I like to watch airplane shows the most!" The little girl couldn't contain her excitement.

Xiaotuanzi, who has always been aloof and self-possessed, also nodded in agreement: "It's beautiful. However, it's a little different from usual."

The air show this night was absolutely unprecedented and unprecedented!

Because this was designed by Gong Jue personally, and he personally taught his twelve cavalrymen to demonstrate it with a private flying column. When paired with fireworks, it will have a very shocking effect!

The sequence of grand and bright fireworks set off in the sky gradually formed three words: "I love you!"

At the same time, every plane in the flying column was performing fancy maneuvers, leaving behind colorful smoke that lingered for a long time.

In the end, a series of beautiful words and sentences were formed——

"There are thousands of things in this world, but there are three that I love."

"Sun, moon, and you."

"The sun is the morning, the moon is the evening, and you are the morning and evening."

Gu Qiqi was so speechless that she sat blankly on the chair. Behind her, Gong Jue leaned slightly and read the words in the sky in her ear like a simultaneous interpreter - —

"I love you..."

What should I do? My ears seem to be pregnant!

Gong Jue, who had always been simple and rude and never mentioned the word love, actually kept saying those three words in her ears. It felt so amazing.

At this moment, she suddenly understood.

Three years ago, Gong Jue also wanted to propose to her in this way, right?

Because she clearly remembered that there was a dessert that night, but she didn't eat it.

They also sat by the window that night, and the waiter looked at them with focused and nervous eyes. If there were no accidents, she would have appreciated all these shocking confessions that night.

So three years ago, Gong Jue not only hurt her heart, but also shattered his own heart alive.

It turned out that he had always regarded her as a treasure in his hand.

Not only in the previous life, but also in this life, from beginning to end!

At this moment, Gu Qiqi finally felt that the broken place in her heart had been properly healed by this man with love.

Gu Qiqi's mood was complicated and she didn't speak for a long time.

Gong Jue stood behind her, unsure of her condition.

After all, he had done stupid things and hurt her once. If she didn't agree to his proposal this time...

Gong Jue's heart sank and he asked in a low voice: "Qiqi, aren't you willing to marry me?"

Gu Qiqi still didn't speak.

He gritted his teeth and decided to come up with tonight's trump card: "Qiqi, I know you are not interested in diamond rings or anything like that. So, you can wear this diamond ring for fun. If you don't like it, just use it to place a flower pot. I The real betrothal gift for you is——"

He made a gesture, and suddenly, the large projection screen in the restaurant lit up.

On the screen, images of crowds in various areas of Independence Island were being played.

"Her Royal Highness, please marry Mr. Gong!"

"Her Royal Highness, please agree to Mr. Gong's proposal!"

"Your Highness the Queen, or you can marry Mr. Gong!"

People in every corner of the island enthusiastically cheered for the same appeal. Although the expressions were different, and although the corners of Gong Lord's lips twitched when he heard the words "You marry Mr. Gong," they were all sincere, and even everyone was like It was like an appointment. After confiding, he knelt down and worshiped in front of the camera!

The most solemn etiquette that can only be performed on the royal family!

Gu Qiqi was confused: Queen? Are you talking about her?

Someone tell her what happened!

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