Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2123 Woman, are you satisfied with what you see?

Qianqian Novel Network

Who will tell her what happened?

Gu Qiqi felt that this night was one shock after another. At this moment, someone actually called her "Queen"?

Even if she has many military exploits, she is still just a "female general" at best.

How could it be the queen?

In her ears, the man's low and warm voice sounded magnetically in her ears: "Are you satisfied with what you see? Qiqi? The diamond ring is just for you to hold and play with, this island is given to you by me. Betrothal gift! I don’t have thousands of miles of land to give you, but I have an independent peach blossom garden to give you! On this island, you have the final say!”

Seeing that Gu Qiqi was still immersed in shock, Gong Jue narrowed his eyes and said, "Qiqi, please think about it seriously, okay?"

Gu Qiqi pursed her lips: "Okay."

She really needed to think about it seriously, the shock made her brain a little confused.

It turns out that the mysterious queen on Independence Island is her? Was this island given to her by Gong Jue?

So, according to legend, all the thoughtful and beautiful decorations made by the king's man for the queen on every plant and tree on the island were secretly made by the palace lord?

The palace lord dotes on women too much, right?

When Gu Qiqi didn't respond, Gong Jue paused, then raised his lips and said, "My body and mind will be under your control from now on. Okay?"

Gu Qiqi subconsciously replied: "Okay."

But then he reacted and his little face suddenly turned red!

This is frivolous behavior.

Just as he tempted her to say okay, let's think about it, he immediately added a shameless sentence.

This man is simply amazing!

While doting on her, he cheated her with his strength.

She bit her lip angrily: "I haven't thought about it yet!"

Gong Jue patiently took a deep breath and whispered in her ear with a great patience he had never experienced in his life: "Are you sure you want to think about it for so long? Then do you want me to tell you a story...?"

I can't wait even a second!

Moreover, I haven’t revealed my real trump card yet. I haven’t told you about my identity that is even more powerful than this noble Queen of the Nordic Independent Island...

Gu Qiqi raised her eyebrows warily: "What story?"

Gong Jue: "The story of a little tadpole looking for its mother."

Gu Qiqi glared at him: "The child is still here, please be more serious!"

Gong Jue suppressed a smile: "Qiqi, please be more pure. What I want to tell is the story of our child and looking forward to finding his biological mother. Where did you think you were going?"

Gu Qiqi was startled, and she didn't even have time to get angry at his teasing.

I was immediately shocked by his words "our child": "Which child are you talking about! Be clear..."

Did Gong Jue mean dumplings?

It turns out that Gong Jue already knew that Tuanzi was her and his child?

The affirmative answer slowly escaped from Gong Jue's thin lips: "Yes. Gong Ting is our child. Qiqi, I have found out that your egg gave birth to no other child, but Gong Ting." . Your egg and my sperm have known each other earlier and closer than we did. Is it destined that you and I should be together? Besides, can you really bear the thought of your child not knowing who his mother is? ?”

Gong Jue is full of confidence.

Qiqi likes dumplings the most. He chose to tell Qiqi this happy and incredible truth on the night of his proposal, just so that she could get the most shocking orgasm in the shock one after another!

He should have performed well tonight, right?

Qiqi must be extremely moved, right?

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