Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2128 The shady Lord was exposed

Qianqian Novel Network

Xiaotuanzi recognized his mother and was indescribably excited. When he saw Gong Jue, his face suddenly showed indescribable disgust: "Isn't it true? You are not only a fake father, but also a big liar. Yesterday you proposed to your mother. Before, you fooled Niannian and me, saying that if mother agrees to your proposal, you will agree to us and give us one day every month to let mother sleep with us at night, so the two of us must cooperate with your proposal throughout the process. , and you want us to cheer you up and persuade your mother to promise you... You are so cunning! This is obviously my and Niannian's biological mother, and Niannian and I should sleep with our biological mother every day!"

Xiaotuanzi bit his lip and stared at Gong Jue.

Gu Qiqi also narrowed her eyes: "You set the time for me and the children to sleep? Gong Jue, are you very capable?"

Gong Jue's sinister plan was ruthlessly exposed, and his face was filled with embarrassment and anger. However, it was his own son who exposed him. He really couldn't be beaten or scolded, he was hurt internally.

The key is that it would be bad if it causes a misunderstanding on the part of the wife!

"You can't take it seriously if you coax the child." Gong Jue concealed it.

Gong Ting looked down upon him: "Huh, you have no credibility, Lord Gong!"

Even Niannian jumped off the beach motorcycle: "Langlang Dabi, I'm so disappointed in you..."

Gong Jue: "..."

Forget about being despised by my son, it's not the first time anyway, I don't care at all.

But being despised by my daughter makes my heart hurt so much. It hurts so much that I can't breathe. What's going on?

Obviously, my image in my daughter's mind has always been great, without any stain at all.

Gong Jue hurriedly tried to make amends: "Okay, Babi promises you that you can sleep with your mother twice a month from now on, okay?"

Nian Nian pouted and ignored.

Gong Ting snorted coldly and continued to look down upon him.

The corners of Gong Jue's lips twitched and he continued to give in: "Then... three times a month?... Once a week?"

No more!

He also wants to have sex with his wife!

Giving the little ones one day a week is already very kind, okay?

Promise, promise quickly, you little bastards.

When Xiaotuanzi heard this, he quietly raised his eyes, ready to agree.

After all, being able to sleep with my little sister every week and listening to her beautiful and touching bedtime stories is simply the happiest thing.


Nian Nian still pouted her little mouth: "No! I'll give you one night a week. I'll give you six nights with my brother Tuanzi and my mother. Because there are many of us! We are small! We need our mother!"

Gong Jue: "..."

Damn, for the first time in his life, he suffered such unfair treatment because he was too "big"!

Gu Qiqi was almost laughing out loud while watching the father-daughter fight.

It's true that one thing defeats another. Gong Jue, the most arrogant guy in the world, finally met his biggest nemesis.

Being ordered by his daughter, Gong Jue, the slave girl, had to agree obediently no matter how unwilling she was: "Okay..."

Nian Nian burst into tears and smiled: "The wolf-wolf cake is so good."

As he said that, he leaned towards his face and kissed his cheek.

Gong Jue was stunned.

Then everyone was so happy that they flew up.

Shit, shit.

It turns out that being secretly kissed by my daughter like this is such a great thing! ! !

Damn it, I decided...

Gong Jue turned his head and said to Gu Qiqi seriously: "From now on, I will only be allowed to have daughters, not sons."

My son is just a white-eyed wolf, but my daughter is so considerate, soft and cute that makes me melt completely.

Gu Qiqi was speechless: "..."

When you discussed how many times a week you would sleep with me, did you ask for my opinion as the client? ? ?

A family of four having fun on the beach.

Not far away, a hotel servant was rushing over, holding Gu Qiqi's mobile phone in his hand.

On the mobile phone, the caller ID was Didu, and the ringtone kept ringing...

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