Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2129 Qiqi, you’d better be mentally prepared

Chapter 2131 Qiqi, you’d better be mentally prepared

"Her Royal Highness, your call!" The servant knelt down on one knee and handed over the mobile phone very respectfully.

Gu Qiqi still felt a little unaccustomed to being worshiped like this, so she quickly took the phone: "Thank you."

From the corner of his eye, Gong Jue glanced at the words "Xiao Tiantian" on the screen of his mobile phone, and his face suddenly became unhappy.

Beigong Mingtian, you have occupied my title for three years, shouldn't you wink and withdraw from the stage of history?

If you still don't leave, I won't be polite!

He stared at the phone warily, calmly held the two children on the beach motorcycle, and drove slowly around the route next to Gu Qiqi...

His ears stood up alertly, trying to listen to the conversation on the phone...

Gu Qiqi said in a relaxed tone: "Xiao Tiantian, what do you want from me?"

Bei Gong Mingtian: "Qiqi, are you having fun abroad? Is Nian Nian obedient?"

Gu Qiqi: "Well, Nian Nian is very good. Are you in a hurry?"

Beigong Mingtian looked around and said to him: "It will cool down at night when the weather is cold. You should wear more clothes..."

Gu Qiqi became more and more suspicious: "Xiao Tiantian, tell the truth!"

It's a long international long distance, don't tell her, this guy is just here to chat with her!

Bei Gong Mingtian had no choice but to tell everyone: "My uncle Bei Gong Lie has come to the empire."

Gu Qiqi nodded: "I know, I met him in Hanbeiling, and I promised to help him go to the Bai family to find Bai Qiangwei..."

Beigong Mingtian held his breath slightly: "Qiqi, his daughter has been found."

Gu Qiqi was startled: "What? Say it again?"

Isn't Bei Gonglie looking for his lost sweetheart? How come you are looking for your daughter?

Bei Gong Mingtian: "His biological daughter found him with the token of the woman named Qiangwei and the DNA identification certificate."

Although Gu Qiqi felt that the news was sudden, she was still very happy for Bei Gonglie in her heart: "It's good. He has someone to accompany him, and someone is doing their part for him. He finally doesn't have to be so lonely."

Beigong Mingtian hesitated before speaking: "Qiqi, I want you to be mentally prepared. The uncle's daughter..."

Gu Qiqi frowned: "Xiao Tiantian, what you said today is so strange. Why can't you finish what you said in one go?"

Beigong Mingtian was also very confused.

This news was so shocking, he really didn't know how Gu Qiqi would react after hearing it.

What is certain is that Qiqi will not be happy.

But now that he had the courage to make this call, he wouldn't hide it from Qiqi.

Bei Gong Mingtian: "Qiqi, my uncle's daughter is Gu Xuexue. She will soon be named Bei Gong Xuexue."

Gu Qiqi: "What did you say! Did you make a mistake?"

As Bei Gong Mingtian expected, Gu Qiqi's tone was full of anger.

In fact, let alone Gu Qiqi, even he couldn't accept this fact for a long time.

Is a bitch and rotten person like Gu Xuexue worthy of entering their Beigong royal family?

But unfortunately, the uncle was immersed in the great joy of reuniting with his daughter after a long separation, and could not listen to anyone's words at all.

Moreover, the uncle is also preparing...

Bei Gong Mingtian took a deep breath: "Qiqi, I don't know if the uncle is wrong, but I know that this matter will be made public soon, and the uncle will not look back. He has decided to hold a royal ceremony Dance, and plan to announce Gu Xuexue’s princess status on the spot.”

After a pause, he said carefully and helplessly: "Uncle also said that I must invite you to participate - he invited Mr. Ye. Qiqi, even if you don't want to go as Mr. Ye, you can As the princess of the Beigong Royal Family, I also have to attend this dance..."

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