Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2135 I am pig dung! 【hilarious】

Qianqian Novel Network

As soon as Gu Xuexue, the fake person, heard Bei Gonglie ask her name, her heart pounded and she felt very guilty!

The fact that she impersonated Gu Qiqi to steal the inheritance was an impromptu idea not long ago at the instigation of Xiahou Susu.

So the plan wasn't very thorough.

She only had a hasty plastic surgery, and Xiahou Susu even handled the falsification of marriage documents and DNA for her.

The conversation with the VIP account manager at the UBS was also taught word by word by Xiahou Susu.

She was not prepared for other things at all.

She didn't have the mental preparation either.

What's more, she didn't expect at all that Qin Wei's inheritance was only a small matter, and that it was a big deal to involve Gu Qiqi's real biological father, a wealthy man with super thick thighs!

So it was impossible for her to prepare for this fake identity in advance.

what to do?

Now it's like facing a Swiss bank account manager, saying her identity is Gu Qiqi?

No, no, absolutely not!

Even if she has no brains, she knows that this will never work and she will definitely be exposed.

After all, Gu Qiqi married Bei Gong Mingtian as the princess three years ago. Although I don’t know why Bei Gong Lie didn’t think of Gu Qiqi when he saw her fake face, but if she bears Gu Qiqi’s identity As father and daughter get to know each other, sooner or later they will bump into Gu Qiqi in the royal family.

If that's the case, wouldn't it be exposed?

Bei Gong Lie must not let him know that his face was plastic surgery done by Gu Qiqi.

It is even more impossible to associate his identity with Gu Qiqi.

As for the identity exposed at the Swiss bank, it must be dealt with quickly to avoid leaving any hidden dangers.

Gu Xuexue's mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about a lot of relevant and irrelevant things at once.

But except for Gu Qiqi's identity, whose identity can she pretend to be?

Who else is inconspicuous and easy to manipulate, whose identity is not easy to reveal?

Just as he was thinking hard, Bei Gonglie's loud voice suddenly rang in his ears: "Child, what are you thinking about?"

It was clear that Bei Gonglie was excited and enthusiastic about his inquiries and concerns, but to the ears of a counterfeit with ulterior motives like Gu Xuexue, it seemed like he was questioning and questioning!

She heard a strong feeling of guilt.

Before she had time to think too much, she blurted out: "I am Zhu Fen!"

Bei Gonglie was stunned for a moment.

The auction house manager behind him couldn't help laughing.

This little girl is really interesting. Could it be that she was forced to be anxious, and her head was dizzy for a moment, saying that she was...

I, am, pig, dung? ? ?

This kid is so interesting...

Bei Gonglie was not as direct as the president, but coughed twice: "Son, I know that telling you this all of a sudden and giving you a father suddenly will be unacceptable to you. But you really don't have to because you don't want to. You recognized me and gave yourself such a...hard-to-speak fake name. Pig shit...well, how could this be the name of such a beautiful little princess like you?"

Fake name? !

Gu Xuexue's heart skipped a beat!

Did the man recognize that he was an impostor?

She just shrank her neck nervously and heard Bei Gong Lie compliment her on her beauty. Only then did she realize belatedly that Bei Gong Lie and the president had misunderstood Zhu Fen's name as pig manure.

Humph, Zhu Fen is just like her father Zhu You, they are really low-class things!

What a weird name!

She didn't know why this name suddenly came to her just now.

But now I calm down and think about it, Zhu Fen is good, he is a super suitable candidate! Do you need to find the latest chapters by yourself when reading a book? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or the suduwx beauty editor will help you find books! You really can do both reading and flirting with girls!

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