Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2136: Being in love is like being in mist

Qianqian Novel Network

Gu Xuexue was thinking about it. It was said that after the college entrance examination, Zhu Fen didn't even go to college after the incident of holding a class reunion at Qingcheng Qionghua Banquet became a big deal.

After her father Zhu You was sentenced, the Zhu family lost its backbone and plummeted. Zhu Fen's whereabouts were unknown. Some said she went to work as a waiter, while others said she was crazy because of her disfigurement. His legs were broken and he went abroad to be a beggar...

Anyway, the whereabouts of such a small person is of no concern.

And even if Bei Gonglie sent people to investigate, nothing could be found. After all, such an inconspicuous person had no outstanding deeds to investigate.

And coincidentally, Zhu Fen's mother also died young.

Hehe, you don’t have to worry about not getting the right number!

The more Gu Xuexue thought about it, the more confident and excited she became - Ouch, it seems that I, the princess, am born to take on someone else's identity, I can easily catch her!

She was proud in her heart, but a timid and gentle fake smile appeared on her face: "My name...the name was given to me by my stepfather. He didn't like me and always beat and scolded me and my mother, so he named me The name is also very unpleasant..."

That expression was so full of tears that it would be a bit humiliating not to win an Oscar for Best Actress.

Bei Gonglie felt distressed and heartbroken when he heard this.

What, his precious daughter was beaten and scolded at will by a rough man?

And his Qiangwei actually remarried to such a vulgar man?

God, what kind of suffering did his two babies suffer? What was your day like?

Bei Gonglie asked anxiously: "What about your mother Qiangwei?"


Qin Wei?

Gu Xuexue was confused for a moment.

I don't understand the relationship a little bit.

However, since she chose the safe identity of Zhu Fen, she must pretend to the end.

"My mother's name is not Qiangwei...and she has been dead for many years." She said in a deliberately solemn and tragic tone.

Bei Gonglie was struck like five thunders in an instant! ! !

"What? You said, you said my Qiangwei... is dead?" Bei Gonglie was in disbelief, his tone trembling horribly.

God was really teasing him. Just when he unexpectedly found his biological daughter, he suddenly told him that Qiangwei was dead!

too cruel!

Bei Gonglie's eyes were red and he stared at Gu Xuexue closely.

Gu Xuexue was stared at so hard that she forced herself to make up a lie and replied: "My mother...she...she was beaten to death by my stepfather...because he disliked her for having had a man, disliked her for being unclean, and disliked her. With me as a dragster... I usually beat her with bruises and bruises, and my mother endured it for me. He drank too much that time and accidentally pushed her off the cliff..."

Gu Xuexue made up nonsense and talked nonsense.

But Bei Gonglie took it seriously.

Being in love is like being in mist!

At this moment, his mind was filled with images of his Qiangwei being bullied and beaten. He was so distressed that he still had the mood to examine the logic of Gu Xuexue's words?

After all, Qiangwei is a capable woman and a self-respecting woman. How could she tolerate a man beating and scolding her like this for many years?

Bei Gonglie didn't think about this aspect at all. He was filled with regrets about himself, heartache for Qiangwei's experience, and... resentment towards that rude man!

"What's your stepfather's name? Where is he now? I'll go find him to settle the score! Avenge your mother!" He wanted to fly over and chop the man into a thousand pieces and mince him into pieces.

Gu Xuexue's eyes flickered: "His...his name is Zhu You. He was originally the director of surgery at Qingcheng Hospital. Later he was imprisoned for a crime and has to spend his whole life in prison. This is retribution. You...don't be too sad for my mommy. …”

"My child, you are really sensible! Very considerate!" Bei Gonglie sighed. Do you need to find the latest chapters by yourself when reading a book? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or the suduwx beauty editor will help you find books! You really can do both reading and flirting with girls!

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