Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2150: Alarming the Snake

Gong Jue glanced at Bei Gong Mingtian with disdain, and clasped Gu Qiqi's hand: "In name? In name, there is a ball? I and Qiqi are actually married, and..."

As he spoke, his eyes glanced at Gong Ting and Gong Niannian, who were eating snacks: "Our relationship as husband and wife has been solidified, please be more sensible!"

Do it... do it?

Beigong Mingtian was so angry that he almost fainted.

But looking at Gu Qiqi's peaceful and happy face, he could only bear not to get angry with Gong Jue.

In the awkward atmosphere, Gong Niannian still spoke out in childish words: "Tiantian Daddy, Wolf Wolf Daddy, what are you arguing about? You are all my good Daddy!"

Gong Jue: "..."

Beigong Mingtian: "..."

Neither of them could get angry at Nian Nian, so they had to silently agree to this sentence.

After chatting for a while, Gu Qiqi asked Bai Lang why he didn't come today. She also wanted to ask about the Bai family.

Beigong Mingtian said that Bailang has been extremely busy recently, running around everywhere.


"It's not Xiao Ning..." Beigong Mingtian hesitated.

When Gu Qiqi heard this, of course she wanted to ask further: "What's wrong with Xiao Ning?"

Bei Gong Mingtian: "I heard that Xiao Ning had a falling out with her family over the matter of finding a job after graduation. Recently, everyone in the Bai family is in a state of disbelief, especially Young Master Bai. It seems that he pressured Xiao Ning to go out and 'teach' her a lesson. At home, Bai Lang is responsible for everything in the pharmacy. You know what makes Bai Lang so temperamental, and the result is that he is even more miserable..."

Gu Qiqi was thoughtful.

She thought that Xiao Ning and Bai Yeyuan had been in peace for three years, and she thought their relationship was stable.

I didn't expect that such a commotion would happen just before graduation.

Xiao Ning jumped off a building in her previous life, killing two people. Shouldn't she make the same mistake now?

With Xiao Ning's affairs in her mind and Bai Qiangwei's affairs at the same time, she couldn't finish the meal, so she got up to leave.

Beigong Mingtian hadn't had enough chat yet, so he stood up to persuade him to stay.

But Gong Jue was happy to go home early and maybe roll out of bed.

A group of people walked out of the private room. The man was handsome and tall, the woman was delicate and elegant, and the child was smart and cute.

In an instant, many guests who were eating were looking at them.

Among the countless eyes that came together, Gu Qiqi always felt that there was a light that was particularly sharp and urgent.

She glanced back.

Finally, I saw two people dining opposite each other at a table by the window in the hall!

Bei Gonglie!

The other one is...who is it?

She vaguely saw Gu Xuexue's back.

No face visible.

However, that figure was too familiar. She had poked her through it once when Gu Xuexue pretended to be the vice president's wife last time. This time she still had a hunch that the woman eating with Bei Gonglie was probably Gu Xuexue!

She narrowed her eyes and asked Bei Gong Mingtian: "Is your uncle eating here too today?"

Bei Gong Mingtian: "It seems so! Do you want to go say hello to him first?"

Gu Qiqi pondered for a moment and shook her head: "There's no point in striking the grass to scare the snake! If you want to fight, it's fun to hit the snake within seven inches!"

Bei Gong Mingtian didn't quite understand: "Qiqi...who is the snake?"

Gong Jue's eyes darkened slightly: "Then you still need to ask? Your Beigong family are all snakes!"

Both men couldn't get to the point, and started looking at each other again.

Gu Qiqi suddenly raised her head and said to Gong Jue: "I will attend Bei Gong Lie's dinner party as Young Master Ye."

Gong Jue's lips curled up proudly, and he said to Bei Gong Mingtian like he was showing off: "My woman won't play with you!"

Mr. Ye and Gong Jue have a good relationship and are often together. Everyone knows it!

Therefore, if Gu Qiqi attended the dinner as Mr. Ye, she would definitely appear with Gong Jue, not with Beigong Mingtian. Real girls are online services to help you find books and chat with you. Please use WeChat/Chat/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you to tease~

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