Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2151 Eat five bowls of expensive bird’s nests in one sitting!

Gu Qiqi was about to attend the banquet as Young Master Ye. Now Gong Jue was happy, but Beigong Mingtian was depressed.


Why did Qiqi change her mind after taking one look at her uncle?

Obviously Qiqi should appear as his princess, even if this princess is in name only, he is still willing to enjoy the pride and joy for only one night.

Bei Gong Mingtian didn't understand at all, but he didn't dare to ask. He could only watch in depression as Gu Qiqi and Gong Jue got into the car, and watched the family of four leave intimately.

The's really greener than the African savannah.


In the restaurant, Bei Gonglie's eyes were not very good because of his age, but among the crowd, he still locked eyes with Gu Qiqi at a glance.

From a distance, she seemed to be carrying two children, about the same size as Mr. Ye.

However, she looks like a woman, and her profile is somewhat similar to her own daughter.

Is that Mr. Ye?


Bei Gonglie's heart suddenly beat wildly, and an indescribable feeling seized him instantly.

He stood up suddenly and walked out uncontrollably.

Because he was so excited, he even staggered a little, bumping into the wine glasses of several tables of guests along the way, and earning a lot of curses.

He, who had always been gentle and gentle, was uncharacteristically at this moment. He ignored those people at all and had no time to apologize. He staggered out and just wanted to catch up with the woman and see her true face.

However, it was too late after all. He only saw a car leaving in the distance, but he did not see the pretty woman just now at all.

The night breeze was cool, and he stood at the door of the hotel, suddenly feeling like crying.


Why was he even more excited when he saw Zhu Fen than when he saw Zhu Fen in Switzerland just by seeing her back?

Who is that woman?

After a long time, Beigong Lie returned to the restaurant feeling lonely.

Gu Xuexue was extremely impatient with waiting. Out of boredom, she ordered five bowls of bird's nests and ate them all by herself without Bei Gonglie seeing.

Hmm... I haven't eaten such nutritious and expensive food like bird's nest for a long time.

Suddenly I feel so satisfied!

Gu Xuexue showed an expression unique to the nouveau riche.

Seeing Bei Gonglie coming back from a distance, she quickly asked the waiter to remove all the things. Then she put away her satisfied expression and expressed a touch of concern and worry: "Dad, what's wrong with you? I see you don't look well, please hurry up." Order over here and I’ll pick up some food for you, just have something to eat..."

Bei Gonglie waved his hand as he was not in the mood to eat.

Gu Xuexue pursed her lips and said deliberately: "Dad, if you haven't come back, I can't eat alone. I'm worried about you! Even if you don't want to eat, just eat with me, okay?"

Her filial piety makes her seem like a caring daughter.

If anyone had watched the scene where she attacked Gu Meifeng, they would probably vomit in front of her "filial piety" at this moment.

Beigong Liehun didn't care about whether to eat or not. He sat down in a daze and said, "Xuexue, let me ask you a question."

"Say what you say, Dad." Gu Xuexue pretended to be obedient.

Bei Gonglie: "Do you have any brothers and sisters in your family? Especially...sisters?"

Gu Xuexue was not sure why he asked, so she said cautiously: "I am an only child."

Zhu Fen is an only child. This can definitely be found out. She has to get the lines right and don't be a helper.

Bei Gonglie's face was full of disappointment: "Really..." A real lady is online to help you find books and chat with you. Please WeChat/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you to tease~

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