Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2167 Bitch, see you on the headlines!

Adjutant Lu's pupils shrank, and his old face suddenly turned red.

He was in a dilemma. When he thought about the mischief between the lord and Mr. Ye, he felt worried for Miss Qiqi.

Especially since there are so many rumors about girl Qiqi on the Internet.

Sir, don't you care?

He held the cell phone sadly, and was about to give a desperate remonstrance, saying that he would stop the lord and Mr. Ye's nonsense at any cost.

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he saw that the rumored article about Gu Qiqi's cheating, cheating, and fostering a male mistress that was originally displayed on his phone had disappeared! Gone!

He quickly put on his reading glasses and searched one by one.

Really everything is gone!

A few minutes ago, these negative articles, which looked premeditated, were popping up all over the Internet.

Unexpectedly, in just a few minutes, all of them were cut away like leeks.

The cut was extremely clean and there was no sign of recurrence at all.

Absolutely amazing!

Which expert took action?

Did Miss Qiqi do it herself?

Woo hoo, the lordship is having a good time here, but Miss Qiqi is lonely at home dealing with bad things.

It’s heart-wrenching just thinking about it.

Adjutant Lu felt even more sad. He glanced at the lounge sadly. He decided to forget all about the good impression he had on Mr. Ye at Hanbeiling and despise him from now on!

After all, our Lord Qi is the empress of the palace!


At this moment, in the dressing room of the banquet hall, Gu Xuexue was letting the makeup artist set her makeup.

Although she plans not to show her face tonight, she still needs to wear makeup.

Should your chin be exposed a little? Then apply powder.

Are your hands going to be exposed? Then get a whitening massage.


Ouch, it took a long time to finish this set!

Regardless of him, the guests outside would have to wait for her anyway, so that would be a show of dignity and dignity.

While enjoying the services of a high-end makeup artist, she poked her phone to admire Gu Qiqi's masterpiece.

When she came back from Switzerland this time, she got a lot of money because she bought Qin Wei's inheritance, and because of Bei Gonglie's favor, she received a lot of expensive gifts.

So now she was spending money like water, and it was easy to hire hackers to attack Gu Qiqi.

I thought that building momentum online would make Gu Qiqi's stink spread all over the Internet in a few hours.

Then when the banquet begins, the big news that she is a royal princess will hit the headlines.

With this stark contrast, anyone who is not blind would know that he and Gu Qiqi are in the same world.

I guarantee that I will never forget this scene in ten years.

who knows.

It's not even five minutes yet.

The hackers and trolls she hired were beaten to a pulp.

All the news about Gu Qiqi’s adopted male mistress disappeared inexplicably!

"Gong Jue was obviously here to attend a banquet, and he was very close to a man and was inseparable. He had no time to help that bitch Gu Qiqi deal with these things. How did Gu Qiqi fight back so flawlessly?" Gu Xuexue was full of doubts. .

She wanted to contact the hackers and trolls she hired, but...

The other party actually blocked her one by one and stopped talking to her.

Damn, I'm so depressed.

Gu Xuexue looked up at her angry face in the mirror, which was a bit ugly because of some flaws that had not been healed by plastic surgery.

She quickly restrained herself.

I thought to myself, why are you depressed? Those idiots outside are not reliable in their work, and it’s not just a day or two.

Plan A failed, doesn’t she still have it?

This time she did it herself.

Huh, no matter how many hackers and abilities Gu Qiqi has, they can't stop her!

Because this time she doesn’t rely on machines, but on humans! Real girls are online services to help you find books and chat with you. Please use WeChat/Chat/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you to tease~

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