Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2168 Gu Qiqi’s bed photo

In the banquet hall, pleasant music gradually sounded.

Generally speaking, the most important person always appears last.

The invited guests were eagerly waiting for Bei Gonglie and his daughter to appear.

The royal family recognizes their daughter, isn't this just the princess's introduction dinner?

How many years does it take to encounter this!

All the noble ladies with sons of suitable age at home were watching eagerly, waiting to see who this princess was and whether she could let their sons get married into the royal family.

However, after waiting for a long time, the princess and the prince still did not appear, but a huge melon appeared!

Under the champagne tower next to the dinner stage, guests poured champagne and socialized with each other.

At some point, when someone picked up the wine glass, they suddenly found a card stuck to the bottom of the glass.

Some guests complained: "This royal dinner party can't be so negligent, right? Where are the waiters? Why are the wine glasses not cleaned? What kind of paper is this? Is it all on the wine table?"

The waiter ran over sweating profusely, with a confused look on his face: "This... I don't know about this. I just cleaned it up... Is this a business card left by a distinguished guest?"

However, when the guest turned the card over and was about to throw it to the waiter, he discovered that it was not a piece of paper or a business card at all, but...

a photo.

To be precise, it is a sensational bed photo!

The man in the photo has a flattering and frivolous look on his face. At first glance, he looks like a man who has fallen into a bad situation.

There was a certain lady who had been to that kind of place, and she secretly recognized it. Isn't this Di Ge's top male waiter, named Jack?

It is said that the appearance fee is very expensive, as much as 100,000 yuan a night.

Tsk tsk!

The woman in the photo is known to many guests.

Everyone was shocked after seeing it, and no one dared to say anything.

This mysterious attitude made those who didn't see the photo become even more curious.

Fortunately, there was more than one photo, and many guests discovered cards of the same series near the wine table in the champagne tower.

There were photos of the woman and Jack in bed, and there were photos of the woman herself posing alone.

Each one is quite large in scale.

It can be said that the whole body of a woman is exposed.

Finally, almost everyone in the hall had seen the photo.

Except for the small dumplings and milk buns near the musical fountain.

Xiao Nai Bao was very curious, but Xiao Tuanzi saw inexplicable evil smiles on people's faces from a distance. He decisively stopped Xiao Nai Bao: "Nosy, gossip is poisonous, we won't watch."

The little girl had no choice but to listen to her brother's words.

People's expressions became more and more complicated. As the photos spread among the people, the words that everyone dared not say at first were gradually said out by the encouragement of each other's eyes——

"Isn't this woman a princess?"

"Yes, although the princess rarely shows up, this face is right, right?"

"It's so scary that the royal family has such a chaotic side!"

"I really can't imagine how Prince Beigong tolerates her?"

"Didn't you see that there are two lines of text on the photo - the Beigong royal family already knew that Gu Qiqi was outsourcing male mistresses and often had sex, so they had already decided to deprive Gu Qiqi of her position as princess. Got it!"

"Tsk, tsk, are we going to announce Beigong Xuexue's princess status today while depriving Gu Qiqi of her princess status? They are both women, so the experiences are too different, right?" The real lady online service, To help you find books and chat with you, please use WeChat/message/search/search for popular online articles or rdww444 is waiting for you~

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