Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2179 There is a word called wild, species!

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Gu Xuexue's face shocked everyone present.

Even Gu Qiqi was unexpected.

Damn it, what did this lunatic do to look like me?

Wu Jiujiu murmured: "Oh my god, Mr. Ye, it turns out that bitch Gu Xuexue actually admires you to death and is in love with you. She wishes she could have a face exactly like yours, and then go against you in every possible way, causing your anger." Attention, to express her love?”

Wu Jiujiu's straightforward and unabashed analysis made the two grown men beside him look extremely ugly.

Bei Gong Mingtian frowned: "If you don't speak, no one will think you are mute."

Gong Jue's face turned dark: "My women don't need crazy admiration."

Gu Qiqi: "..."

She looked at the stage speechlessly and took a closer look at Gu Xuexue's face - did it really look like her?

At first glance, they look quite similar. Under the light of the bright crystal lamp, many details on the face are covered and blurred, and the outline is a little bit thin.

However, if you look carefully, you can find fundamental differences!

Gu Qiqi's face suddenly turned cold.

For a moment, the strange heroine in the bed photo incident whose ears were different from hers flashed through her mind.

She sneered in her heart: Gu Xuexue, wants to have plastic surgery to look like a sister and act tyrannically?

Don’t even look at where the real master is!

She said calmly: "Prince Lie, don't you explain, which of the two on the stage is your biological daughter?"

Bei Gonglie stood next to Gu Xuexue, looking very embarrassed.

The reaction of the guests was too strong, and Zhu Fen's accusation was too angry. For the first time, he looked at Gu Xuexue's face more seriously.

Because there were slap marks on her face, the dandruff on Gu Xuexue's face became more serious.

This face once felt to him particularly like White Rose.

But tonight, for some reason, I felt a little awkward everywhere.

But he really didn't want to admit that he had recognized the wrong person.

If the Xuexue in front of him is not his biological daughter, is Zhu Fen, who rushed to the stage like a shrew and beat people, his biological daughter?

But Zhu Fen is obviously nothing like himself and Qiangwei!

Bei Gonglie was stunned by Mr. Ye's question and was speechless for a long time.

On the contrary, Gu Xuexue gritted her teeth and treated the dead horse as a live doctor, and timidly suggested to Bei Gonglie: "Dad, since this woman insists on saying that she is your daughter, then you can do a paternity test for her. If the paternity test is The identification showed that she was, I was convinced and had nothing to say. Just think of it as mommy, she might have given birth to twins and lost one..."

Bei Gonglie's expression changed, this was an explanation.


Something seems wrong.

What's wrong?

Gu Qiqi raised a sneer on her lips at the VIP table.

Gu Xuexue, are you still unwilling to give up when things get tough?

Do you still think that today, in front of my sister, you have a chance to stand up?

She said coldly: "If we want to do a paternity test, shouldn't we do it together? Zhu Fen, Gu Xuexue, do you think the princess is so easy to be?"

Zhu Fen is ignorant and fearless: "I am the princess! I am the genuine Zhu Fen. I am willing to do a paternity test!"

Gu Xuexue's eyes shrank, and she stuttered: "I... I did a paternity test when I was at the Swiss Bank. It was with my mother..."

Swiss bank?

Who did Gu Xuexue go to the Swiss Bank to do a paternity test with?

Gu Qiqi sensitively caught this, and a flicker of suspicion passed through her heart.

Could it be that Gu Meifeng, like her mother Qin Wei, left something for Gu Xuexue in the Swiss Bank?

Bei Gonglie's woman is Gu Meifeng?

No way, the taste is so bad? !

Gu Qiqi glanced at Bei Gonglie, and said without salty words: "The paternity test between you and your mother cannot prove that you are your father's daughter - don't you know that there is a word in this world called wild? ?”

I remember when Gu Xuexue and Gu Meifeng called her a bastard, but now, she returns it as she is!


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