Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2180 Acting like a baby to Mr. Ye

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bastard! ! !

These two words hurt Gu Xuexue's face more than the two slaps from Zhu Fen.

Gu Xuexue's red and swollen face burst into purple and blue, her eyelids twitched fiercely, and her lips trembled: "Mr. Ye, can you say this to me? She is still an innocent girl...Oh, she's not a wild girl... ...kind of... Mr. Ye, after all, you are my dad’s best friend and good friend, why don’t you think about my dad?”

It's a pity that this act of coquettishness and weakness is of no use to Gu Qiqi.

Gu Xuexue never imagined that the "Mr. Ye" she was trying to coax was Gu Qiqi herself!

Gu Qiqi opened her lips lightly: "Just because I am Prince Lie's old friend, I must respect the facts instead of whitewashing the peace! Whatever the facts are, they should be shown. What, Ms. Xuexue, what are you afraid of? Are you afraid? Can’t you put on this fake face of yours anymore?”

Fake face!

The biggest question lingering in front of everyone was finally directly exposed by Mr. Ye.

Everyone was embarrassed to speak out at first, but now they all followed Mr. Ye’s truth and expressed their opinions that they had been holding back:

"This face is obviously imitating Gu Qiqi's face. I think it looks exactly like him!"

"What ten percent? It's just a fur statue. Have you ever seen Miss Qiqi dressed so gaudy?"

"Miss Qiqi has a very high IQ. I just re-read her winning speech at the World Medical Competition. She was so elegant and generous, like a goddess coming to the world. You can feel what it is from that woman on the stage. A goddess? Is there one?"

"It seems there is no such thing..."

"Is she really a fake? Isn't that Prince Lie..."

Didn't Bei Gonglie become so blind that even his daughter admitted her mistake, making it a big joke?

This sentence was not spoken by anyone.

But Bei Gonglie felt it.

He felt indescribably depressed, and couldn't help but look at Gu Xuexue's swollen face again with complicated eyes.

Gu Xuexue tried to cover her face, but unfortunately she couldn't. She panicked and explained to Bei Gonglie: "Dad, don't believe the traitor's provocation. I am your biological daughter."

Before Bei Gonglie could say anything, Zhu Fen beside him had already slapped him with a cruel smile: "Gu Xuexue, just tell me whether you dare to take a paternity test! Why are you pretending to be grievances? Do you think that at this point? Can you get away with just a few words of coquettishness to the prince? Then that’s not your dad, that’s my dad!”

Beigong Lie's head was as big as a bucket, and his lips were tightly closed.

The bodyguards around him wanted to drive away the troublemaker Zhu Fen, but they were afraid that if Zhu Fen was really the real princess, he would be embarrassed afterwards and hesitated to act rashly.

Therefore, Zhu Fen whipped Gu Xuexue unscrupulously and jumped up and down, clamoring for a paternity test.

Gu Xuexue had no choice but to respond: "My skin is allergic, and it is not appropriate to do an evaluation now..."

"Haha, then you are just afraid? If you are afraid, just say it. What's the point of finding such a big excuse? Gu Xuexue, if you are scared, just admit defeat and admit your mistake. Kneel down and admit your mistake in front of all the guests. Get out of the royal family!" Zhu Fen was very confident.

She was so familiar with Gu Xuexue that she could recognize him even if his face was different.

This is something Bei Gonglie and others cannot compare to.

Gu Xuexue's face froze, and her aura became a little weaker.

She finally stole the identity, why should she take advantage of Zhu Fen? !

In the flash of lightning, she suddenly had an idea, and her tone was a little harder——

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