Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2188 I have long seen that you are an idiot

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Bei Gonglie sadly admitted that he had been confused during this period, and continued to angrily rebuke in a sad tone:

"Gu Xuexue, you are not my daughter. Everything you told me is a lie. The so-called Gu Qiqi had plastic surgery to look like you... This kind of slander out of thin air is especially a lie."

"Do you really think I can't tell? I'm also a doctor! If I look carefully, I'll know exactly where the knife was used on your face!"

"As for Gu Qiqi, from my observation, she has a completely natural face, not even an eyelash has moved!"

"Who is the plastic surgery girl and who is the fake? If I can't tell when you two stand together, my life, Bei Gong Lie's, will be in vain! I'm a huge idiot!"

Not far away, Gong Jue sneered coldly: "I have long seen that you are a fool!"

Gu Qiqi: "..."

Okay, okay, you finally caught Bei Gonglie doing something stupid, so you can confidently diss him, right?

People who eat melon: "..."

Damn it, my eldest lord is so awesome that even Prince Beigong doesn’t take him seriously. I can despise him if I want.

Bei Gonglie's sudden awakening shocked Gu Xuexue.

what does that mean?

She wasn't afraid when Zhu Fen confronted her. Although she was afraid when Gu Qiqi appeared, she didn't completely lose her illusion.

However, Bei Gonglie's abandonment caused her to fall directly into the abyss!

This is her last straw.

If she is abandoned, she will never be able to turn over again.

She wants to be a princess, she wants to be a princess!

No one can stop her from becoming a princess!

Gu Xuexue gritted her teeth and turned to the waiter suddenly, her eyes almost breaking the waiter's bones: "You were instigated by Gu Qiqi, right? You were bribed by her to frame me, right? ? I have never seen you at all and I have never asked you to do anything, right?! You are the liar! You can't convict me of a liar's casual lies. I won't go with you, I refuse!"

She clearly remembered that Xiahou Susu said that he had helped her clean up and kill the waiter.

Why is the waiter still here?

She doesn't believe it!


The police officer scoffed, interrupting her attempt to stand up: "This murder suspect, please stop slandering me. The evidence that you instigated the waiter to spread the bed photos is conclusive, not only the witness, but also the physical evidence—— The reward you give the other party is in cash, so you are afraid that the bank transfer will leave evidence. Unfortunately, you forgot that cash will leave fingerprints! The fingerprints on the cash are yours and not anyone else’s!"

Gu Xuexue's face turned pale and she took a few steps back!

Yes, cash will leave fingerprints, but she actually forgot this detail.

Her hands trembled and her voice trembled: "No, no, that cash is the tip I gave him..."

"Who tips a hundred thousand at a time? Gu Xuexue, do you think we are as stupid as you, or do you really think you are a princess? Princesses are not as generous as you!" Gu Qiqi gave her a look of contempt and denied it in one sentence. Her quibble.

The police officer glanced at Gu Qiqi approvingly. Well, this girl is pretty good, her eyes and words are sharp and rigorous.

He continued to announce businesslikely: "In addition to the physical evidence, we also investigated the waiter's contact with people in the past few days. Gu Qiqi had no interaction with him. On the contrary, you had frequent conversations with him many times! There are videos of this Prove it with a third party. Gu Xuexue, you don’t have to quibble, plead guilty and you will suffer less! Come back to the police station with us!"

The police officer's announcement left Gu Xuexue no chance to turn around.

Gu Xuexue's whole body was shaking like chaff!


No, she didn't want to end up like Gu Meifeng, Gu Old Lady, Gu Qiu Shan and others.

She had seen Gu Meifeng's prison, it was horribly dirty!

She wants to be a princess, princess! She is a royal princess, not a prison princess...

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