Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2189 The scumbag’s ridiculous regret

Gu Xuexue was shaking all over. She never imagined that the waiter who should be killed was not dead, and that the dead old man Bei Gonglie, who should have been stupid to the end, was actually a doctor!

After she shed the halo of Bai Qiangwei's daughter, he would no longer be blinded by her. He could clearly see through all her lies and the plastic surgery failures on her face!

What should I do? What else can she do?

Now that the matter was in full public view, even if she wanted to call or send a text message to Xiahou Susu for help, she couldn't!

At this moment, she suddenly thought of Gu Meifeng, who was poisoned to death by her own hands.

Woohoo, mommy, if you weren't dead.

If you were still with me and saw me being bullied by these bitches at this time, you would definitely stand up, right?

You will definitely, rush to the front, fight those bitches for me, and fight them to the death, right?

Even if you can't fight them in the end, you will definitely help me take all the blame and then go to jail...

Well, no, you are already in jail, so you will definitely apply for a heavier sentence or even the death penalty, and you will have to replace me, prevent me from going to jail, and plead guilty for me, right? !


At this moment, Gu Xuexue regretted that she had listened to Xiahou Susu's words too early and killed her mother Gu Meifeng.

So much so that now there is no one who can even blame her and defend her to the end.

So regretful!

However, if such "regret" were heard by Gu Meifeng in the grave, he would probably jump up in anger and die again, right?

The police officer was already urging impatiently: "Follow us! Stop chirping."

Just as he was about to cuff Gu Xuexue's other wrist, who knew, Gu Xuexue suddenly went crazy and broke away from the policeman's hold!

"Resisting arrest will result in an additional penalty, do you understand?! If you dare to take a step away, according to the law, I can shoot you to death on the spot!" The police officer thought that Gu Xuexue was going to run away, so he immediately pointed his gun at her and scolded her sternly.


Gu Xuexue didn't seem to hear anything. She neither came over to let him go nor left the banquet hall.

Instead, in the middle of the stage, he began to murmur to himself in a delirious state, "Mommy, Mommy, I miss you so much, Mommy, can I die with you... Mommy, I like you so much... Wow, mommy" They all bullied me, and my father didn’t recognize me anymore... I’m so miserable..."

Talk for a while, laugh for a while, cry for a while.

The whole person is simply crazy.

The police officer reached out to pull her, but she knelt down on the ground, her legs spread out wide, revealing a large area of ​​​​her skirt.

After all, the police officer is a man, so it’s a bit ugly to pull him away so hard.

"Why are you so crazy!" the police officer scolded with a frown, "Stand up!"

The guests looked at each other:

"What's wrong with her? Is she stimulated?"

"Perhaps the little girl was frightened when she heard that she was going to be tried in the police station, and that she might even be convicted of murder and jailed for the rest of her life...?"

"Tch, how can a scheming girl like her be scared out of her mind? I think she is pretending to be crazy! Could she be trying to avoid arrest and scrutiny by using the excuse that she is mentally ill? After all, the laws of the empire stipulate that a lunatic can kill someone without the death penalty and without going to jail. As long as Just go to a mental hospital for recuperation and compulsory medical treatment."

"Damn it, this operation can be said to be very 666!"

"Then is she crazy? Doesn't she have to take responsibility for playing such a trick on the Beigong royal family, causing such harm, and almost killing the waiters? This is too much!"

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