Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2198: Arrogant Grandpa, Idiot Daddy

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Beigong Lie choked!

Wasn't the old man scolding his son just now? Why did the flames of war burn to him again?

This is Gu Qiqi's nominal grandfather for more than 20 years, and he must respect him no matter what.

So Bei Gonglie said patiently: "Alie's reflection is indeed not deep enough. Please give me some advice."

Mr. Gu curled his lips and scolded the phone:

"Beigong Lie, your fault is that you delayed that good girl Qin Wei and made her pregnant before we were married. You also made her find that bastard my son, which made her depressed and died unexpectedly!"

"You're still wrong because you're sorry for your daughter! It's been more than twenty years, you can still find some news even if you travel around the world, right? Why the hell did you just come to the empire today to recognize your relatives? Are you stupid?"

"If you are stupid, you need to be cured! Have you taken the medicine?"

"Qiqi has worked hard for twenty years to achieve the glory and status she has today. Why the hell are you just picking up what's already available when you come back now? Why do you enjoy it so much? Do you have the face? Are you so embarrassed???"

"Why do you recognize your daughter? Have you asked Qiqi how she feels? Are you worthy of the suffering she has endured? What will you use to compensate Qiqi and Qin Wei, mother and daughter? Tell me!"

"If you can't come up with something practical, then you can stop making such vain claims about recognizing your daughter!"

Mr. Gu is full of anger, and he is really good at quarreling with people. He is worthy of being a great scholar, both elegant and vulgar. His logic and sharpness make it difficult for him to say a single word.

Bei Gonglie remained silent for a long time.

Only then did he realize that the old man was not the kind of person he imagined at all - he only cared about the reputation of the Gu family and the green grassland above his son's head.

Even this old man doesn't care about this at all.

On the contrary, the old man takes Qiqi's feelings seriously and protects his daughter-in-law Qin Wei!

These scoldings and accusations are all for Qiqi and Qin Wei!

For the first time in Bei Gonglie's life, someone pointed his nose at him and scolded him so harshly and humiliatingly, but instead he felt deep joy and happiness from inside.

He sniffed and his voice was slightly hoarse: "Old man, your lesson is all right. I'm a bastard. I'm stupid and don't take medicine. I'm sorry to Qiqi and Qin Wei... I know where I went wrong! I will change it!"

Although he had never met Mr. Gu, at this moment, he actually felt like he was facing Qin Wei's father and chatting with his old father-in-law.

Mr. Gu really woke him up in a very unconventional way.

Seeing that Bei Gonglie had a good attitude in admitting his mistake, the old man finally sounded better and said arrogantly: "You just said, why are you calling?"

When Bei Gonglie heard that there was something going on, he quickly asked: "I want to chat with Qiqi... Is she... at home?"

Mr. Gu slapped him to death: "You haven't reflected thoroughly, what are you talking about?"

Bei Gonglie's lips twitched several times: "..."

Master, can you give me some tips? Every move you make is completely unpredictable.

He held the phone depressedly, and said sincerely and anxiously: "Old man, I have listened to your lesson just now, so I want to have a chat with Qiqi, just to understand her most real situation now, and then take action accordingly. Give her the most practical and useful help...a ​​belated gift from her father..."

Mr. Gu snorted, paused, and his tone was still cold: "My Qiqi has everything, who cares about your shabby gifts? If you haven't reflected thoroughly, there is no way I can tell you where she is! Besides, she is She doesn’t live in the Gu family either, she and Gong Jue are engaged to be together..."

With that said, he cut off the phone without any courtesy!

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