Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2199: A gift so expensive that money cannot measure it!

Chapter 2201 A gift that is too expensive to be measured by money!

Mr. Gu hung up Bei Gonglie's call unceremoniously.

The servant next to Bei Gonglie clicked his tongue and became angry: "Your Majesty, no matter how scholarly the Gu family is, they are just common people. Even if they have raised the princess for more than 20 years, they are not qualified to be as arrogant and wanton as our royal family. Ah! Your Majesty, how about we teach them a lesson and let them know how powerful we are... teach them how to be a good person!"

"Presumptuous!" Bei Gonglie responded with a cold eyebrow, "Don't let me hear such bastard words in the future, otherwise I will expel you from the royal family!"

"Yes!" The servant immediately stopped speaking.

But he never expected that the prince would still protect the Gu family.

He can't understand it!

The princess and the Gu family are not related by blood...

Bei Gonglie took a deep breath and thought of Mr. Gu's words before hanging up the phone, "Qiqi and Gong Jue are engaged, and to be with him..."

The corners of Bei Gonglie's lips couldn't help but raise in pleasure: "It turns out that the old man was openly criticizing me, but he was actually hinting to me that Qiqi has moved to live with Gong Jue. Go to Gong Jue's residence to look for Qiqi, there must be no Wrong! Old man, you are really a tsundere with a hard mouth and a soft heart...!"

Without hesitation, he immediately packed up his things and went out to visit Gong Jue's Villa No. 0 in Moyuan.

On the way, he thought carefully about what kind of greeting gift would be better for Qiqi.

The money, jewelry and luxurious enjoyment he once gave Gu Xuexue seemed so superficial and useless now.

But Gu Xuexue still likes her very much! Some of them are so expensive that I wish I could hang them all around my neck and wrists when I go out. I am afraid that others will not know that I have such expensive jewelry, and I am afraid that others will not notice her!

Qiqi is different.

He knew from the first moment he saw her that Qiqi was the kind of girl who didn't need excessive luxury. She could just stand there, even if she was wearing a sack, she would be recognizable and present.

Qiqi's brilliance does not come from her gorgeous clothes - of course, if there is, that would be the icing on the cake - but from her strong inner self-confidence and temperament.

Therefore, he didn't want to give Qiqi something childish and superficial, similar to what Gu Xuexue liked.

He wanted to give her a more expensive gift, a gift that was too expensive to be measured by money...

After thinking about it, he suddenly had an idea!

In their Beigong royal family, the most expensive and priceless thing is...!

As soon as Bei Gonglie made up his mind, he immediately started to implement it.

He called Beigong Mingtian.

This brat fainted after seeing Gu Qiqi in the banquet hall that day. He didn't know what kind of strange illness he had, and he fainted for several days.

Thanks to Wu Jiujiu, who has good medical skills, he has been taking care of him, otherwise it would have been a big trouble.

Perhaps Beigong Mingtian should wake up today!


He called, but the other party kept turning off his phone.

He had no choice but to call Wu Jiujiu again: "Xiaojiu, help me see if my nephew is there? Let him answer the phone. I have important things to ask him to handle."

Wu Jiujiu made a sound and answered honestly: "Uncle, Xiao Tiantian hasn't woken up yet."

"How come it's been three or two days and he still hasn't woken up??? Is he weak or something happened?" Bei Gonglie asked anxiously.

Wu Jiujiu replied calmly: "Oh, he woke up for a while this morning. But when he saw the news on the Internet that Qiqi might be your daughter, he was stunned! Within a few seconds, he fell to the ground again. .”

Bei Gonglie held up his forehead: "What did you say?!"

Wu Jiujiu spoke openly: "The meaning is very simple. If Xiao Tiantian and Miss Qiqi are cousins, then Xiao Tiantian will never want to marry his cousin in this life! It is not only the palace title that hinders him, but also gender. ah!"

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