Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2267 The cruel truth of society

At this moment, Xiao Ning was reporting to An Wanru while speaking out her questions.

She begged An Wanru: "Lawyer An, we can do a public welfare case to protect abused animals. So if young girls are violated and abused, shouldn't we step forward to help them? Provide them with free legal aid. Help them seek justice? Otherwise, wouldn’t it mean that humans are worse than dogs?”

An Wanru muttered: "A good person is not as good as a dog!"

Seeing An Wanru being so indignant, Xiao Ning felt extremely relieved.

Sure enough, her boss also has a sense of justice!

As long as she has An Wanru's support, she will investigate the little girl's next case, help the little girl regain her freedom, and punish the murderer.


An Wanru suddenly narrowed his eyes and asked meaningfully: "Xiao Ning, do you know why the company originally took on this dog-abuse public interest litigation case that doesn't make a penny?"

Xiao Ning shook her head and pursed her lips: "Isn't it because I pity those dogs? Isn't it because I want to uphold justice and reflect the lawyer's legal ethics?"

An Wanru's thin lips curled up slightly and she scoffed: "Of course not."

Xiao Ning was startled.

Isn't it...?

What other reasons are there?

She suddenly felt vaguely that this society was not as simple as she imagined.

An Wanru's tone was calm: "The reason why the company accepted this public interest litigation is because every year, the Imperial Lawyers Association selects gold medal law firms and gold medal lawyers nationwide. The number of places is very limited. Those who become gold medals will receive more awards in the next year. Good legal peripheral resources, as well as official unified external publicity resources, all of these resources can be realized into a large amount of profits, that is, money. One of the conditions for becoming a gold medal law firm is that it must have a certain proportion of public interest litigation cases. Do it for free.”

There is no such thing as a free lunch.

It turns out that the reason why the law firm took on the dog abuse cases was just to make up the numbers to meet the conditions of a gold medal law firm.

This is free, just to earn more "high legal fees."

Xiao Ning couldn't hide the disappointment in her eyes.

Society is really too complicated...

An Wanru continued: "Now, the number of public interest litigations our company has this year is enough to be selected as a gold medal law firm. Therefore, the company will not accept any more public interest litigations. If we accept any more, it will be a loss. Do you understand?"

Xiao Ning bit her lip: "But..."

An Wanru stopped her: "There is no but. If the company doesn't accept it, I won't accept it either. As my assistant, there is no need for you to waste your time on such unprofitable cases."

Her tone was very firm and a little heavy: "And... Xiao Ning, when it comes to human crimes, whether it is child abuse or human trafficking, it is a very dangerous case. It is ten thousand times more dangerous than dog abuse. Do you understand? "

Xiao Ning's disappointed eyes just showed. Then she heard An Wanru say that this case was dangerous, and her mind suddenly became clear. Although Lawyer An kept saying that the purpose of accepting free public interest litigation was to make money, he said it so rationally and coldly. In fact, Lawyer An didn't let her do this case because it was too dangerous, right?

Being able to abuse and sell young girls... This is definitely not something that ordinary people can do. There must be a huge industrial chain behind it.

Can she, a little college graduate, be able to withstand the dark forces behind this?

Lawyer An was afraid of her, so he got himself into trouble, and the gain outweighed the loss! Real girls are online services to help you find books and chat with you. Please use WeChat/Chat/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you to tease~

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