Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2268 Charming Woman

Xiao Ning lowered his head.

It turns out that society has a side that she never imagined. It is complicated, dark, and full of negative energy.


The little girl was covered in filth, and she could never forget the pair of eyes that suddenly lit up in front of her, filled with demandingness and hope.

It doesn't matter that she didn't know such a thing existed in the world.

But now that she knows, she can't just pretend it never happened.

Xiao Ning raised her head resolutely, with firm eyes: "Lawyer An, I know that the company has its own considerations and difficulties. I will not trouble the company about this matter, and I will use my spare time to investigate. Just...Lawyer An, I beg you Can you please help me and provide me with legal analysis and opinions after I collect enough evidence?"

An Wanru was silent for a moment.

Just when Xiao Ning thought that An Wanru would never pay attention to her whimsical mess...

An Wanru suddenly said calmly: "I won't help you. I heard that you have been staying up late and working overtime every day for the dog abuse case. Starting tomorrow, you will have three days off, which is considered as compensatory leave given by the company."

After that, he waved his hand to let her out.

Xiao Ning was startled.

After exiting in a daze, I walked a long way before finally realizing——

Lawyer An is still helping her!

If he didn't support her in investigating that poor girl, why did Lawyer An give her a day off?

If a lot of cases were assigned to her, this miserable little assistant would have no spare time to investigate other things. It would be nice if she didn't sleep in the office every day.

Xiao Ning gratefully looked back at An Wanru's office.

However, An Wanru had already withdrawn his attention and devoted himself to the study of the next court case without any distractions.


Xiao Ning ran for two days in a row, searched the small village and asked all the residents there, but found nothing.

Some villagers even laughed at her sarcastically: "Little girl Ning, there is no one who abuses children nowadays. Everyone takes care of their children. Did you see it wrong? Stop being so neurotic..."

Xiao Ning pursed her lips and said nothing.

She was absolutely unmistakable.

The scars on the girl's body, the bruises on her body, the alertness and shrinking when seeing strangers, the conditioned reflexes of her body... these were all seen by her with her own eyes, and there was no way they were fake.

But why does everyone pretend not to know?

Is this entire village complicit?

Xiao Ning left the village silently.

After running around for two days and getting nothing, she was a little tired.

The body is tired, and the mind is tired too.

It would be great if there was someone to discuss it with...

The phone vibrated suddenly.

Xiao Ning had a conditioned reflex and thought it was Bai Yeyuan who came to check the post again.

She took out her cell phone with great vigilance and pressed the answer without looking at it. However, she found that the voice was a bit funny: "Ning Ning, where are you? Our colleagues are all having a dinner together. Come quickly, the Di Ge Club is right next to the company. So, you go directly to the second floor..."

Ushi Bin's voice, mixed with the intense music, came slowly.

Xiao Ning touched her stomach and felt a little hungry.

Thinking that they are all colleagues in the company anyway, there should be nothing wrong with going out for a meal, right?

And she is in urgent need of professional advice now. It would be good if Ushi Bin can give some advice, or if there are more knowledgeable lawyers present, it would also be good to ask a few more...

With this in mind, she agreed: "Okay, wait a minute and I'll be there."

Ushibin was so excited.

The sorority party he had finally prepared was all ready, but Xiao Ning was on vacation, and while he was feeling depressed, Xiao Ning actually agreed to come again!


He personally went downstairs to pick up Xiao Ning, brought her up, and enthusiastically introduced her to the colleagues present.

There were men and women, and he introduced them in turn.

Finally, I stopped in front of a voluptuously dressed woman: a real lady online service to help you find books and chat with you. Please WeChat/Chat/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you to tease~

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