Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2269: My nose is so angry!

"This is Zhu Qianqian, the beauty of our law firm and the director of the human resources department. You may not think of her as a big director, but she is actually young and quite capable. She is a senior..." Niu Bin introduced with a smile.

Xiao Ning raised her eyebrows.

She remembered this woman.

Isn't this the female minister who gave her a thumbs up on her first day at work?

The female director who said that she was incompetent in qualifications, ability, and everything, and that she should get out of the law firm as soon as possible?

Logically speaking, she shouldn't be so petty and vengeful, but for some reason, she felt particularly uncomfortable as soon as this charming woman appeared in front of her.

There are also charming women who make people admire them intoxicatedly, such as Yun Qiao.

But this woman is so coquettish and a bit tacky! And there is also a bit of unspeakable evil...

Xiao Ning nodded politely: "Hello, Minister Zhu."

In a mixed society, you have to see through things without telling them, and just maintain a superficial relationship.

No need to break up.

Zhu Qianqian is a veteran, and responded calmly: "Xiao Ning has done a good job recently. I heard that he independently completed a big case so quickly, and it was also a public welfare case. It is not bad for a young person to do this, remember. Stay, don’t be proud and keep working hard.”

It was a compliment, but Xiao Ning always felt weird hearing it.

Does this Zhu Qianqian really consider herself a senior?

It's like giving a lecture. Is he more elegant than Lawyer An?

Tsk, you are neither my boss nor my master! Why are you pretending to be cool?

Xiao Ning cursed. On the surface, he didn't want to refute her, so he just catered to her casually: "Yeah, thank you."

Zhu Qianqian had no intention of stopping, and directly picked up the wine glass: "Since you have listened to the teachings of seniors, then drink seniors' glass of wine, and I will protect you from now on."

She heard that Xiao Ning's first case was an instant hit.

Knowing that Xiao Ning couldn't be embarrassed in a short time, he changed his strategy...

Xiao Ning bit her lip.

She really didn't want to drink.

After a day of running around, she was very tired, so she just wanted to have something to eat, and then ask her senior colleagues about the case.

However, Zhu Qianqian's wine glass was raised to her nose. Even Niu Bin couldn't persuade her. All the colleagues in the private room also looked over. She didn't want to drink at this time?

That must be inconsistent with etiquette.

Damn it, Zhu Qianqian, you are a woman, why do you force a woman to drink? You are shameless!

Xiao Ning cursed, thinking of Gu Qiqi's domineering scene at the class reunion when she drank more than a dozen bottles of Hennessy by herself.

My heart skipped a beat, it’s done!

"Thank you, senior. You are a senior and an elder. Naturally, Ning Ning wants to drink this glass of wine. I wish you good health and longevity." Xiao Ning drank it all with a smile!

Zhu Qianqian's nose was so angry that her nose almost became crooked.

Calling her a senior would be enough.

elder? Shoubinan Mountain?

Isn't this a mockery of her age?

Xiao Ning, you bitch! Bitch! I want you to look good!

Zhu Qianqian gritted her teeth and wrote down Xiao Ning's account.

After Xiao Ning finished teasing her, she turned around gracefully, raised her glass and clinked it with other colleagues.

It's just that other colleagues took care of the fact that she was a girl and didn't force her to drink. Everyone just took a sip and stopped.

In the heated atmosphere, Zhu Qianqian stared at Xiao Ning's back with resentful eyes.

In the past, at law firm gatherings, she, Zhu Qianqian, was the most popular one...

Especially Ushi Bin, who follows her all day long to fawn over her and hope she will smile.

Now, this new girl's movie has actually stolen her limelight!

It’s really unbelievable!

Zhu Qianqian's nails inadvertently scratched Xiao Ning's soup bowl.


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