Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2304 A shy hint

Chapter 2306 A shy hint

Fu Qingyun's expression was extremely exciting, and his lips trembled so hard that the veins on his forehead faintly popped out.

Assistant Xiao Huang resisted the temptation to laugh: Miss Ning Ning, your hint is amazing!

Are you secretly hinting to our respected prosecutor to check the satellite surveillance regularly at night to see if you are wearing small clothes at home?

Very possible!


I have never seen a woman express her admiration for the prosecutor in this way!

Seeing that Fu Qingyun didn't answer, Xiao Ning didn't ask further. After all, she was more concerned about the children: "Well, can we discuss it? I think your helicopter is quite cool. Can the children fly back to the imperial capital? Huh? Otherwise, all of them would have inconvenient legs and feet, and it would be really hard to walk..."

The children heard that Sister Ningning actually applied for plane benefits for them.

All eyes were straightened.

Some of the younger ones, three or four years old, had never seen such a huge thing like an airplane in their lives. They followed the older children and looked at the steel monster lingering in the sky with eager eyes.

I really want to know what it would be like to climb up.

Assistant Xiao Huang replied awkwardly: "I'm sorry, Miss Ning Ning, this is against the rules. This plane is for business purposes only..."

Xiao Ning couldn't help but show a hint of disappointment on her face: "Really? I thought all civil servants in the empire put the needs of the people first..."

Xiao Huang twitched his lips: "The main reason is that the helicopter is not a passenger plane. There are many precision instruments on it. It will be troublesome if children move around on it."

Xiao Ning pouted: "But the children in our family are very well-behaved. Really, they will never move around. You see, they don't have the conditions to move around..."

Xiao Ning was telling the truth.

After all, the children were missing arms and legs, and some even had their bones completely broken and were unable to walk on their own... It was really difficult to cause trouble.

Xiao Huang wanted to say something else, but the silent Fu Qingyun suddenly agreed: "Send the child up."

Xiao Huang: "But..."

Fu Qingyun: "No but! The child is flying.

The suspect and staff walked back into town to find the vehicle. "

Xiao Huang couldn't believe that the prosecutor actually violated the principles he had always been proud of and gave the green light to Ning Ning!

He actually let the helicopter carry these children.

In fact, it's not that he, Xiao Huang, is unloving, but these children... really, they are all very embarrassed, as if they just crawled out of the pigsty.

Oh, forget it, Miss Ning Ning doesn’t mind the children being dirty and getting along with them. Why does he, a grown man, care about this?

Xiao Huang figured it out and happily greeted the children to get on the plane.

The children almost forgot about the misery they had just experienced in the chicken pen and pig pen, with genuine smiles on their faces - yes, they are so easily satisfied, and if someone treats them a little better, they all feel that the world is full of sunshine and hope.

Amidst the laughter.

Xiao Ning raised her lips happily and said to Fu Qingyun: "Thank you for helping the children. It made me look at the imperial civil servants with admiration! Oh, by the way, let me introduce myself. My name is Xiao Ning. I am a lawyer... ...Assistant! I will follow up on this case. As victims, children always need lawyers to appear in court, right? Choose me, I am the most familiar with the situation... Hey, hey, why are you leaving? You... Hey, hey, don't Come on, you haven’t told me your name yet!”

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