Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2305: Hugging so tightly, so hard

Chapter 2307 Hug so tightly, so hard

Fu Qingyun didn't listen to her words, but walked straight to one of the helicopters that landed, got into the cab, and acted as the pilot himself.

The original driver wiped cold sweat and couldn't help but apologize: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, sir, I have never driven a child before. I'm too nervous. I'm afraid my hands will shake when I pull the joystick and the children will be injured." It’s not going to be good…”

Fu Qingyun interrupted him: "Yeah. It doesn't matter, I'll do it."

His gentle yet firm tone made his subordinates feel like they were in the spring breeze and burst into tears of gratitude.

Their new boss, Fu Qingyun, the top chief of the Imperial Prosecutor's Office, is really a good official!

Strong, yet approachable!

Xiao Ning trotted to catch up. She wanted to talk to Fu Qingyun about the children's lawsuit. Unexpectedly, Fu Qingyun stopped her and waved her hand: "Get on the plane! Or you can walk back by yourself!"

Xiao Ning worked hard all night, and her legs were almost broken.

Let her walk back? God, I might as well kill her.

Climb into the helicopter quickly and quickly.

The wind blew through the cabin, and Xiao Ning clung to the railing, feeling a little dizzy.

She vowed never to fly in a helicopter again in her life!

God, it was so bumpy, I felt like vomiting.

Those stories about overbearing CEOs must all be lies. If any CEO asked her to ride in a helicopter, she would spit in his face!

It’s so uncomfortable! Worse than carsickness and seasickness!

However, when she turned around and saw the children bursting into cheers because of the surprise, and the innocent smiles on their innocent little faces, Xiao Ning's heart suddenly softened.

Okay, okay, for the sake of the children's happiness, she endured it!

When she got off the plane, she was the last one.

As soon as his feet touched the ground, they suddenly felt soft.

I almost fell to the ground - so embarrassing!

Fortunately, there is a strong arm beside me,

He quickly helped her up: "Have you never flown in a helicopter?"

Xiao Ning nodded awkwardly with a pale face.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Fu Qingyun frowned slightly, picked her up and said loudly: "The team doctor is here! Let's take a look at this female patient first!"

Xiao Ning was about to say, no need, I am the doctor myself.

But, suddenly, I felt that the man's embrace was a little warm.

A light and pleasant smell of cologne slowly enveloped him.

Although he hugged her, it was not as tight and forceful as when Bai Yeyuan hugged her, as if he wanted to pull her into his body.

This man held her firmly, but at the same time he kept a gentleman's distance.

Obviously her little butt almost touched that spot underneath him.

But he would rather put in a little more effort to keep a few centimeters of safe distance between her and him.

He also comforted her with a calm voice: "I'm sorry, I just let you get on the plane because I was in a hurry. Just be patient, the doctor will take a look at you and prescribe some relief medicine for you, and you will recover soon."

Xiao Ning couldn't help but nodded blankly, looking at the man's long beautiful eyelashes in trance.

This man really respects women.

Not verbally, but instinctively, deep down, gentlemanly.

After being bullied by Bai Yeyuan for a long time, Xiao Ning was not used to it when a man suddenly treated her so gently.

Her nose was sore and she almost shed tears.

What I just wanted to say in defense that she was a doctor was swallowed silently.

Well, she's not lying. She's just a veterinarian at best. She's not a human doctor. She didn't lie to him... It doesn't count as lying to him, right?

Xiao Ning thought guiltily, and nodded sweetly like a little white rabbit.

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