Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2327: Hanging himself directly

No. 232

Everyone in the auditorium suddenly had a great impression of Xiao Ning, a cute girl with a smile: "This little girl looks young, but she is quite chivalrous and soft-hearted, not bad."

The chief judge on the stage glanced at Xiao Ning with disdain and thought to himself, Haha, a stinky girl who appears out of nowhere, is still a little kid, how can she play the role of a messenger of justice without knowing what is high or low?

Let reality educate you later so that you don’t even know how to die!

The justice withdrew his gaze and said coldly: "Then make your speech quickly and don't waste time talking about useless nonsense!"

Xiao Ning stuck out her tongue.

This was her first time appearing in court independently. She would be lying if she said she wasn't nervous. However, seeing the expectant and trusting eyes of the children, seeing Fu Qingyun's tall and straight figure, and seeing the disgusting and disgusting group of people in the dock of villagers...

The courage in Xiao Ning's heart was completely inspired at once.

Master Xiao Ning, come on!

you can!

Don't let the children down, let the civil servants look down on you, let those wretched men succeed!

Mr. Xiao Ning, rise up!

She took out the materials she had stayed up late to prepare last night and began to speak in an orderly manner.

It mainly starts from the fact that the villagers imprisoned the children and mutilated them, and then listed the laws and regulations of the empire to protect children one by one. It is well-founded, and the entire case is analyzed clearly and concisely.

Even the jurors who had never been exposed to this case heard clearly and nodded frequently.

The judge was shocked to see that Xiao Ning, a young girl, could actually speak so clearly and seriously.

He couldn't help but ask his subordinates in a low voice: "Check whether Xiao Ning has a lawyer's qualification certificate!"

The subordinate replied: "No. She is just an assistant at the Universe Law Firm. And her education is...a veterinarian."

"!" The judge almost fell off his seat.

A veterinarian! He actually has no stage fright in court,

Let’s talk!

It’s unbelievable!

The judge was so shocked that his heart heaved and he looked at Xiao Ning with a deeper and more complicated look.

If Fu Qingyun wants to stumble in this case, it seems that the first step is to remove Xiao Ning, who appears unexpectedly.

Because if even the plaintiff’s attorney is disabled, then half of the case will be lost.

Fu Qingyun still wants to win? Haha, dreaming!

The judge glanced at Xiao Ning and then at Fu Qingyun, and already considered the two people to be accomplices, grasshoppers on a thread.

Therefore, as soon as Xiao Ning finished his statement, he immediately knocked the gavel: "Please ask the defendant's lawyer to present evidence. "

This time, the villagers spent a lot of money to hire a lawyer named Wu Fatian. He is a well-known lawyer who specializes in defending criminals and often exploits legal loopholes to succeed.

The last time, he defended a rapist and succeeded, causing the victim girl to hang herself directly.

He also talked about it, "Tsk, tsk, if that woman didn't love herself and was greedy for money, why would she commit suicide after losing the lawsuit?" Suicide is a guilty conscience!

Since winning that case, his reputation has spread far and wide.

Anyone who had committed a serious crime came to his door. This time the villagers also heard about him. As long as they gave enough money, he could blow the black into white.

Sure enough, he agreed to defend the child mutilation case.

And I promise with all my heart that the villagers will be innocent.

Sure enough, as soon as he opened his mouth, he caught a fatal question——

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