Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2328 A full month of violation

Chapter 2330 A full month of violation

"Ms. Xiao, you keep saying that the villagers kidnapped children, made them disabled, and prevented them from escaping. But what is the most critical evidence? Then why can't the so-called Lao Wang family of three be found? Could it be that you did it on purpose? Hide them and then slander the whole village, right? Take a step back, and the blame must be there. The three people who kidnapped the children were Lao Wang and his family. The other defendants have no idea about it and have never heard of it. No How can we help if we know something? Besides, our defendant has no obligation to help children escape!"

Wu Fatian insisted that the villagers had never heard of it, never seen it, had no knowledge of it, and had no idea!

Four no! ! !

So this case has nothing to do with the villagers.

Whether it was what the children said, the villagers colluded with Lao Wang's family, helped Lao Wang beat them, or helped Lao Wang monitor them, paid Lao Wang to sleep with them... or were Xiao Ning's alleged accomplices and perjury, they all deny!

Xiao Ning was almost furious!

But unfortunately, she couldn't provide any strong evidence about the whereabouts of Lao Wang's family and three people mentioned by Wu Fatian.

Where did that family of three go?

Others don't know, she knows best.

She unloaded them herself and threw them into the septic tank.

If I had known earlier that she shouldn't have been so impulsive, she should have been kidnapped and brought back to court for trial.

But she was really angry at that time. Seeing the miserable condition of Dahua Erhua and all the children, she really wished she could give those three stinky men a round of hellish torture!

But I felt relieved at that time, but now I am encountering difficulties!

what to do?

Do you admit that she killed those three stinky men? Then she lost the case and became a murderer?

It's really depressing. Before I came into contact with the law, I never knew that there were such hidden dangers in private revenge.

Xiao Ning's annoyance all fell into Fu Qingyun's eyes.

In fact, when he ordered people to search Lao Wang's house that night, he already knew what was going on when he saw the photos of bloodstains on the ground sent by his subordinates.


He suppressed the photos of the scene and ordered them to be sealed.

Because these photos are evidence against the children.

But now, I'm afraid I can't hide it anymore.

Because the other party is also trying every possible means to escape guilt, and will definitely seize this point to attack them.

Private revenge is the most normal thing among the people, but if it is put on the table and measured by the law, it is not allowed.

Fu Qingyun's eyes darkened slightly and he spoke slowly: "As the prosecutor, I will answer this question for you."

Xiao Ning was feeling uneasy because she stayed up all night preparing the materials. She thought everything would be perfect, but she never expected to get stuck at this stage.

Wow, isn't it because she is too young, too stupid, and lacks experience in court?

But at the critical moment, the prosecutor actually spoke up for her. Why was she so excited?

Xiao Ning couldn't help but look at Fu Qingyun with a hint of admiration.

Fu Qingyun looked indifferent and talked eloquently: "Lawyer Wu Fatian, whether the villagers are guilty or not has nothing to do with the three members of the Wang family. Please read the case file carefully. If you don't understand, I can teach you - August 20, XX, Did the teacher Qin receive Dahua's request for help? Did he betray Dahua and let the Wang brothers imprison Dahua again? Afterwards, he also received a thousand yuan from the Wang family in the form of so-called "reward" Thanks for the money, and a full month to violate Dahua?"

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