Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2331 His refutation brought thunderous applause

Chapter 2333 His refutation brought thunderous applause

The innocent faces of the children were all made pale and sad by the shameless questions of these reporters.

They looked at Xiao Ning and Fu Qingyun pleadingly: "Big sister, big brother, we really didn't lie, we were really hurt, wuwu... we don't know how to prove it..."

Are you still showing your body, body, stripping, and opening to those people? ? ? !

Xiao Ning felt extremely uncomfortable.

Let her go up and fight with reporters, she can definitely do it!

Ask her to reason, but she really can't.

This shameful thing is too unspeakable. Should the doctor be allowed to check the membrane on the girls on site?

But girls can get tested, but what about boys?

What can the boy test to prove?

So to say this reporter is a rogue is to be extremely rogue.

She instinctively looked at Fu Qingyun for help.

Fu Qingyun had a dark face and spoke slowly: "Journalist, if you don't understand the law, please don't speak out and expose your IQ shortcomings. First, the law does not require the victim to provide evidence when determining the crime of a strong woman. You want If you want to prove that you have not committed a crime, please provide evidence that you have not committed a crime! You have not had contact with the victim, and you have not imprisoned the victim in the village for several years. Which villager can prove it to himself? "

As soon as he finished speaking, the entire audience fell into silence.

Fu Qingyun continued: "Second, the law's determination of the crime of a strong woman is not only based on 'entering, entering'. Invasion, intrusion, and infringement also count, as does infringement on men. Don't use you Take it for granted, to speculate on the sanctity of the law! A three-year-old child will not be violated? Are you sure? Do you have a three-year-old child at home? If one day your child is treated like this, can you still say such shameless words? ?”

The jury was silent for a second, then burst into applause!

Fu Qingyun's refutation of the reporter was well-founded and convincing!

Overwhelm the other side with the law, not just unnecessary verbal attacks.


The reporter was sweating coldly.

Some couldn't answer.

He didn't know any detailed legal determination, he was just looking for some sensational stunts to deliberately embarrass Fu Qingyun.

Unexpectedly, it was a bad start, and he was pushed down by the opponent within a few words.

Unwilling to give in, he gritted his teeth and took out a photo of a big flower begging.

In the photo, a fat old man with an oily mouth was stuffing a hundred-dollar bill into the half-open collar of a young girl.

The contents of the little girl's collar can be clearly seen.

The photo was so shocking that the reporter didn't know how to convince the court technicians to actually project the photo on the projection screen - usually only photos of witness statements could be put up.

Now, everyone in the audience could clearly see the photo of Dahua.

Everyone couldn't help but cover their mouths to hide their exclamations!

Immediately, the reporter's triumphant voice resounded through the court: "Maybe this girl is vain and sells for money? Who knows the truth? We are in the reporter's profession, and we are exposed to a lot of dark sides of society, especially It’s those prostitutes in bars and clubs. People think that someone pushed them into the pit of fire. But what’s the reality? Haha, most of them fall for themselves! No effort, no work, no need to learn any skills, just go to the bed It's such a good job, you can make money with both feet open, it's such a lazy and delicious business, believe me, after you do it once, you won't be able to stop, and you will never go out to find a serious job again!"

Listening to the reporter's solemn words, everyone looked at each other and felt that their outlook was shattered.

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