Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2332: It’s so cool, I gave him a good beating!

Chapter 2334 It’s so cool, I gave him a good beating!

This view seems absurd, but if you think about it carefully, it makes some sense.

Everyone in the jury began to feel shaken——

Could it be that...are those disabled children really what this reporter said?

Because of my physical disability, because I couldn't work to make money and support myself, so after begging for money and selling my body, I fell in love with this method of making money and couldn't live without it?

Did the villagers harm them, or did they let themselves down?

Everyone's suspicious looks hurt Xiao Ning deeply.

Her lips trembled slightly, and the grief and anger in her heart couldn't stop welling up.

Just because he was imprisoned and fell into the fate of being violated all the time, is he willing to degenerate?

Does anyone really care what the kids think?

That kind of life where you run away again and again, only to be caught again and again with your hands and feet broken, and you starve other children with no food. If it were you, would you still dare to resist?

She thought of herself again.

If Bai Yeyuan's shady relationship with him were to be exposed one day...

I'm afraid reporters and the public will scold her mercilessly——

Is this a woman who is not pure, loves herself, seduces her uncle, and is willing to fall for herself?

I'm afraid the stigma she will bear will be worse than what the children today bear.

Xiao Ning trembled her lips and her face was as pale as paper.

Fu Qingyun raised his eyes and caught a glimpse of her expression, frowning slightly.

What's up with her?

Isn't she an assistant at a law firm? When handling a case, you should stay away from the situation and treat everything calmly.

Why does she seem to be holding court with her true feelings?

Every curse seems less directed at the children and more like directed at her?

This girl...

It really kept refreshing his understanding of women as a species.

After thinking for a moment, Fu Qingyun suddenly left his seat and strode towards the reporters.

The reporter was stunned, not knowing what the prosecutor meant.

Fu Qingyun stood in front of reporters with an expressionless face. He only raised his hand gently to the assistant Xiao Huang next to him.

Xiao Huang understood immediately and slapped the reporter hard.

The reporter was beaten and confused: "You...why do you beat people?"

Xiao Huang had long heard this bullshit reporter’s bullshit remarks and was getting very angry.

At this time, his boss told him that he was eager to take action quickly and give the other party some color.

"You're the one who's being beaten, you bastard, how do you want face when you say that kind of thing to children? I think you don't want that face anyway, so I'll beat it to pieces for you! Save you like this Are you worthy of being a reporter? Don’t give the word reporter a bad name! No reporter I’ve ever met has such a black heart as you!”

The more Xiao Huang talked, the angrier he became. He simply used his hands and feet to punch the man directly on the bridge of his nose, then flew up and kicked him in the stomach.

That man was also very talkative and had great skills. In terms of fighting, he was no match for Xiao Huang.

With three punches and two kicks, he was immediately beaten to the point where he couldn't even get up from the ground.

On the stage, the judge was shocked and angry. He stood up directly: "Fu Qingyun, you dare to hit someone in the court?! I will expel you from the court!"

Great, I finally hope that Fu Qingyun commits suicide and dares to take action in court. Hum, there is a price to pay for being impulsive!

He was so proud that he kicked Fu Qingyun out of the court so quickly.

who knows.

The next second, Fu Qingyun spoke unhurriedly: "I hit someone? Which eye did you see when I hit someone? Was it the left hand or the right hand?"

Fu Qingyun raised his hand leisurely, without any trace of confusion.

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