Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2333 Killing is more terrifying than beating

Chapter 2335 Killing is more terrifying than beating someone

The judge was speechless...

After a while, he said: " ordered your subordinates to beat people!"

Fu Qingyun said calmly: "Is there an audio or video recording to prove that I instigated it? Judge, are all your subordinates involved in corruption and bribery, and you have to be convicted for this... Including the previous misjudgement of the case in Gong Jue's case, you have to bear the responsibility for it Is it responsible? If so, I'm afraid ten thousand times won't be enough for you to die, right?"

The judge was sweating coldly: "..."

Damn, Fu Qingyun is a master of sophistry! He seems to be a gentle and honest man, but in fact, it is impossible to argue with him!

The judge's reasoning is poor

Assistant Xiao Huang felt happy beating the person. He put his hands on his hips and got an advantage: "Judge, it's me who beat me. Kick me out! Anyway, I used my private quota to attend the hearing today. It has nothing to do with work. I'm just seeing you on the street." If you are not vindicated, you will be beaten! If a good man does what he does, he will be a good man!"


Damn, kicking you out is useless.

I'm really pissed off.

No wonder Fu Qingyun just stood there and didn't take action. He was waiting for him here.

You hit someone, but you don’t have to take responsibility!

But what's the use of just venting your anger?

When the reporter goes out and writes a smear report, who will be unlucky when he sees it!

The judge thought this and finally felt a little calmer.


What he never expected was.

Fu Qingyun's beating was not just as simple as beating someone.

Fu Qingyun took a step forward and stood in front of the reporter who was lying on the ground. He spoke condescendingly and said coldly: "Why don't you stand up? Do you enjoy being beaten? Why don't you fight back? You must feel that you are being beaten. Very cool, huh?"

The reporter was speechless: "You...I...if I can beat him, I have to fight back and make him look for...his teeth all over the floor!"

Fu Qingyun sneered: "Oh.

You understand now that when there is a huge disparity in physical strength between you and the opponent, and you are not at the same level at all, there is nothing you can do except lie down and be laughed at, and be beaten obediently, right? Now you know why the woman who was forced to sell in a bar and the child who was maimed and unable to leave couldn't leave when faced with someone stronger than them. "

Reporter: "I..."

Cold sweat began to break out on his forehead, and he never imagined that this was the purpose of Fu Qingyun asking him to beat him.

He can't admit it!

If he admitted it, then the shocking photo just now and his accusations against disabled children would be nothing more than farts.

He gritted his teeth and insisted: "'s different! I can resist..."

Fu Qingyun's face turned cold for a moment: "Well, since you can still resist, it means you haven't beaten enough. I think someone will let you know what it means to beat you every time you see me, until you are scared."

Xiao Huang clenched his fists and walked over with a sneer.

The reporter's pupils shrank and he immediately begged for mercy: "No, no, no, I know, I know, no need to hit me anymore! I know I was wrong! Woohoo... When you are beaten, you can't resist..."

It hurts!

The bridge of his nose is almost broken!

But he knew very well that the opponent had beaten him very skillfully, and even if he went for an injury examination, it would only be a minor injury, but the pain was heart-piercing.

The other party would give him a good beating, at most they would pay a little money, and they wouldn't even have to go to a detention center... but he would be miserable!

The other party was only slightly affected, it was nothing at all!

When Fu Qingyun saw that the reporter had given up, he walked back to his seat leisurely and said calmly: "In that case, do you admit that the remarks about the daughter-in-law's self-destruction just now were made up out of nothing?"

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