Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2341: Hitting the man’s solid chest!

Chapter 2343 Hitting the man’s solid chest!

She was going to go to the data room to check what cases Zhu Qianqian handled back then and whether there was anything fishy in it.

If so, then she can use this as an excuse to negotiate with Zhu Qianqian and ask Zhu Qianqian to admit that the photo is fake, and she will have a chance to escape her uncle's punishment!

Xiao Ning dug out Zhu Qianqian's case files and looked at them carefully.

Time passed before I knew it.

Watching the light in the data room dim.

She was going to turn on the light.

As soon as she stood up, "Bang——!" The impact made her dizzy!


Why is this guy's chest made of iron? It's so hard!

While muttering, he inadvertently glanced up.

A gentle and gentle face came into view.

The man wore a white shirt, with sleeves rolled up to his elbows, a light-colored tie tied loosely, and beige suit trousers that exuded an indescribable sense of leisure and gentleness.

The setting sun cast a soft light behind him, making him look so reassuring, calm, and unconcerned with the world.

"Lemon, why are you hiding here without seeing me?" Mu Yu said softly, holding her up with strong hands.

Although the man looks gentle and casual, his strong arms reveal his good figure and abundant energy maintained by years of fitness.

Also, a man who can single-handedly support a lawyer group in a short period of time and turn it into a leader in the industry, and who can work side by side with Qiqi in his career, will definitely not be an ordinary person.

Her brother Yu is really outstanding!

If she had never done such a shameful thing with her uncle, I'm afraid she would still have a chance to fall in love with Brother Yu and hold hands.

But now...

Xiao Ning sniffed.

He pulled his arm back from Mu Yu's hand without leaving a trace.

He smiled awkwardly: "Whose, am I not... busy investigating the case? Brother Yu... oh no, big boss, I am just an inconspicuous assistant under you now, how can I dare to run to your office for nothing? Ah, everyone knows how to make sarcastic remarks, and they think I am currying favor with the leader and shamelessly polishing his shoes..."

Mu Yu laughed and couldn't help but stretched out his slender fingers and scratched her nose, just like every time: "Naughty, brother, do you think I am a fool? Every time there is a staff meeting, you excuse yourself from attending a case and ask me I haven't seen you even once. Every time I go to inspect An Wanru's team, you're not there. Why is it such a coincidence? You? "

Xiao Ning ducked her eyes guiltily.

That's right, she was avoiding Mu Yu on purpose.

She and Mu Yu had been engaged since childhood, and they could be regarded as childhood sweethearts. They both knew that they would get married in the future.

At that time, I didn’t quite understand what marriage meant.

In the past few years, as she grew up and learned about things between men and women, she gradually understood what she wanted to do with Mu Yu in the future.

Get married, start a family, and have some lovely kids.

But now that her body is broken, she is not worthy of such an excellent Brother Yu. If she still relies on Brother Yu as innocently as before and follows him back and forth without letting go, then she is not innocent, but shameless. .

Although she, Xiao Ning, had lost all her face with Bai Yeyuan and had her entire dignity trampled to the ground, she still wanted to keep her last bit of dignity with Brother Yu.

She didn't want to embarrass Brother Yu.

Marry an unchaste wife.

She would end this engagement sooner or later.

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