Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2342 There is a huge disparity in strength between men and women!

Chapter 2344 There is a huge disparity in strength between men and women!

Since the engagement will be broken off sooner or later, then if you can meet less with Brother Yu, let's meet less.

Xiao Ning smiled bitterly in her heart.

Anyway... engagements and stuff are just for fun. When we grow up, everyone has their own life circles. There is definitely no shortage of outstanding women around Brother Yu.

She stays away from him, he forgets her, and then the engagement will be naturally broken off when the time comes... No one will be hurt... Well, this is the best for everyone.

With this thought in mind, Xiao Ning raised her head and gave a forced smile——

"Boss, I'm really working hard and I'm not hiding from you. What a coincidence. I've been crazy busy with cases during this period. You know I studied veterinary medicine. Working in a law firm is equivalent to interprofessional , start from the beginning. The first case has something to do with animals, but the second case is an area that I am completely unfamiliar with. Well... only half of the verdicts have been handed down in today's trial, and I still have to find the whereabouts of the three defendants... ...Ahem, ahem, so big boss, I'm going to do some work...bye!"

Xiao Ning oils the soles of her feet and gets ready for walking!

who knows.

Mu Yu chuckled lightly and grabbed her collar: "Naughty, why are you running away?"

Xiao Ning: "..."

Let me go, there is such a huge disparity in power between men and women, and everyone is carrying her around like a chicken! depressed!

However, Mu Yu acted very gently. After carrying her back, he immediately let go: "Lemon, call me brother, don't call me boss!"

Xiao Ning was stuck next to the case file shelf due to his tall body. She felt a little uncomfortable and muttered: "You are the boss..."

Mu Yu narrowed his eyes: "Then I will transfer you to me as a secretary..."

Xiao Ning was shocked!

Absolutely not!

If Bai Yeyuan found out about this, he would have to tear her and Brother Yu into pieces.

If sneaking out to work is a death penalty, then working as a secretary for Mu Yu,

This is the terrible felony committed by Ling Chi and the Zhujiu Clan! ! !

"Absolutely not!" Xiao Ning blurted out.

Mu Yu's gentle face finally showed a hint of hesitation: "Lemon..."

Xiao Ning licked her lips, blinked and explained: "Well... I mean, I came out to learn knowledge. How can I be a secretary with you? I want to handle cases."

Mu Yu: "This is not a reason. I also take the case, and I can personally guide you."

Xiao Ning almost cried: "No, no, no, I... I still like to handle cases with female lawyers!"

Mu Yu was startled, then laughed, and couldn't help but scratch her nose again: "Has my lemon learned to be shy? Well, she has really grown up..."

Mu Yu's hand touched Xiao Ning's nose. At this moment, Xiao Ning couldn't help but feel a little bitter.

Such a familiar pampering!

It's a pity that she can't bear it anymore!

There was a hint of melancholy on her face, and in Mu Yu's eyes, he thought she was really unhappy.

He stopped joking and comforted her: "Okay, it's all up to you. If you don't like following me, then you won't."

Xiao Ning breathed a sigh of relief.

But the next second, Mu Yu suggested again: "But, I can treat you to dinner in the name of my brother, right?"

Xiao Ning blinked: "..."

Can I refuse?

I really want to refuse.

First, she was eager to find excuses for Zhu Qianqian.

The second is that she doesn't dare to be alone with Brother Yu, always afraid of being careless and revealing her flaws.

so tangled!

However, Mu Yu is a very active person, so he directly held her hand and walked out coolly: "Let's go, it's better to choose a different day than to catch the sun, let's do it tonight, I'm hungry too, brother, I'll treat you to a big meal !”

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