Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2354 The shoes he gave me!

Chapter 235

Watching Xiao Ning try on the shoes, walking around and around the room with such a comfortable look, Qiu Xinxin couldn't help but sigh: "Ning Ning, you have been pretending to smile now, and now you finally really smile from the bottom of your heart. It seems that these shoes really suit you and are really comfortable."

Xiao Ning ducked her eyes guiltily.

Is it that obvious?

Ever since Bai Yeyuan asked her to do that in the bathroom, she has been in a bad mood.

Stay behind closed doors.

No one in sight.

Even, I can't even eat - because the sight of my own fingers makes me sick.

She once touched her shy place with her finger, like Bai Yeyuan's thing, and she felt ashamed just thinking about it.

How could he really smile?

She shrank her hands and pulled her lips awkwardly: "You can see it. Yes, I am in a bad mood. But it doesn't matter. As long as I do a job full of value, my mood will definitely get better. Xinxin, I’m not happy because of a pair of shoes, but because I’m working with you.”

Qiu Xinxin smiled shyly: "Ning Ning, they all think I'm stupid and don't like to make friends with me. Thank you for not disdain me!"

Xiao Ning: "Maybe it's because I'm as stupid as you, right? Bai and Tian are both very good. Let's work hard to get rid of stupid words!"

Well, the first step to not being a fool is to find out who gave her these comfortable shoes. She can't just accept gifts from others for nothing. This favor must be repaid.

"Xinxin, please show me the express delivery slip."

Qiu Xinxin: "Yeah! But the mailing address is a bit blurry, it seems to be the Procuratorate... I can't even see the name clearly..."

Xiao Ning took the express delivery order and recognized it: "It turns out it's him..."

She was very surprised!

Such comfortable shoes were mailed to her by Fu Qingyun, whom she had only met a few times.

If you follow the way of your heart,

The courier arrived two days ago.

Fu Qingyun must have known about her wrestling and broken shoes, so he bought a pair of flat shoes for her?


How does Fu Qingyun know so much?

Does he really have an advanced device that can monitor people sleeping at home without wearing pants?

Xiao Ning was puzzled.

She took out her mobile phone, looked at the sender's phone number, and prepared to call it.

After thinking about it, I decided not to be too abrupt.

I heard that civil servants at the grassroots level are very busy at work. Fu Qingyun must have many cases. Making phone calls will delay his work.

It's more appropriate to send text messages.

So Xiao Ning saved Fu Qingyun's mobile phone number in her address book, and then edited a decent thank you text message and sent it: "Hello, Inspector Fu, thank you for your shoes! I'll treat you to dinner when you have time to thank you."

"Ding dong——!"

Fu Qingyun's text message was replied to in almost a second: "When?"

Xiao Ning was stunned for a while before realizing that the man was asking when he would treat him to dinner as a thank you.

The corners of her lips twitched several times, and Xiao Ning couldn't help but complain: "Hey, there's no man as stupid as you. I was just being polite. How could you ask directly... A pair of shoes costs one or two hundred yuan, I It costs several hundred to treat you to a meal. It’s not that I feel sorry for the few hundred yuan. The problem is that my internship salary hasn’t been paid yet. How can I treat you to a meal? I’m so worried!”

She seriously suspected that Fu Qingyun was a boy from a science and engineering major, a straight man.

Qiu Xinxin, who was next to her, almost laughed when she heard this: "Going to eat with the handsome guy is a must! I will pay for this for you!"

Xiao Ning: "..."

It's not about money, it's's about her going out to eat alone with other men, isn't it good?

What should I do if my uncle finds out?

The first time this voice popped into her mind.

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