Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2355 He is willing to spend money for her

Chapter 2357 He is willing to spend money for her

I have to admit that Bai Yeyuan's influence on Xiao Ning was very great.

It can go deep into the bone marrow.

His intimidating power is almost always present, even if he is not with her.

Xiao Ning pursed her lips. She didn't know if she was trying to fight or challenge Bai Yeyuan's influence. She moved her fingers in a strange way and sent a text message: "Wait until I finish Dahua's case." After we finish it and get the salary, I’ll treat you to a meal! You decide the place! I’ll pay for it!”

This bold energy makes it seem like the once free and unrestrained Mr. Xiao Ning is back.

Fu Qingyun replied with one word: "Okay."

Putting down her phone, Xiao Ning quickly got rid of her emotions and continued to work.

Fu Qingyun's gift was like a pleasant interlude. Her mind did not stay on him for too long, because the most important thing for her now was work, not men.

On the contrary, Qiu Xinxin was very concerned about it.

After a while, he quietly took out an invitation letter: "Ning Ning, you must go to the award reception for the top ten public interest litigation cases tonight."

Xiao Ning was busy checking information: "I'm not going, I don't have time."

Qiu Xinxin: "There will be people from the prosecutor's office attending the cocktail party. Maybe your handsome prosecutor is also there? It would be great to take the opportunity to meet..."

Xiao Ning hesitated for a second, but still said firmly: "I won't go."

Anyway, after the case is over, she will treat him to dinner and fulfill her promise.

Why the rush?

It seemed like she wasn't that eager to see him.

Qiu Xinxin pouted dejectedly: "You were led astray by Lawyer An and became a workaholic. Even men can't seduce you... But you must attend tonight's award reception because your case We have already been shortlisted among the top 100 candidates. Your case may be included in tonight’s finals, how can you not go?”


Xiao Ning was startled.

Only then did she vaguely remember that lawyer An Wanru had helped her file the animal protection case to compete for the top ten public interest litigation cases in the empire.

If you can get this award, you will be very powerful and you will be able to stand in the lawyer circle.

More importantly, this award is an award that all media pays close attention to. Once it is won, the advertising effect will be great. It can promote the concept of animal protection and allow more lawyers to devote precious energy to paying attention to those abused animals. .

"Okay, I'll go." Xiao Ning finally nodded and agreed.

Qiu Xinxin was so happy: "Ning Ning, do you have a party dress?"

Xiao Ning: "Ahem, it seems... there is some, right?"

Because she often works overtime and sleeps in the office, Xiao Ning specially put some changes of clothes and shoes and locked them in the cabinet.

She remembered that there was a conservative long dress underneath.

Just make do with it!



Colleagues gathered in groups and took cars to the awards reception.

In the conference room, Xiao Ning and Qiu Xinxin did not leave.

Qiu Xinxin wore a lively and cute pink dress and looked anxiously at Xiao Ning's lake blue starry sky dress embellished with diamonds: "It looks good, but the style is too conservative. No flesh is "exposed"...The point is, it's too long and it drags the floor. There are many people at the reception, so it's easy to trip..."

Xiao Ning looked at the flat shoes and slippers in front of her.

The skirt is too long and the heels are too low.

It's not very social etiquette to dress like this.

If it was a formal cocktail party, she might not even be allowed in.

what to do?

She glanced at a pair of high heels in the cabinet with some reluctance.

Bai Yeyuan bought it for her.

She didn't know the brand, but she knew it was very expensive, so expensive that many people couldn't afford it even if they didn't eat or drink for a year.

Bai Yeyuan bought her shoes. First, they were expensive; second, they were all high heels.

[Master Yun: Goodnight kiss! 10 more are presented. In the extra chapter, Xiao Ning’s harem is revealed, and it’s up to the goblins to decide which man Xiao Ning will accept in the end! So my uncle is such a scumbag, please calm down. Also, the finale of Qiqi is coming soon, so there’s candy to eat! Please vote! 】

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